Page 8 - RidingOn Winter2022
P. 8
e | Public Officer Report
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m | 0429 002 411 m | 0423 379 848
Hello all – I am reporting under items being de-listed from the Gear Shop; these items were
a new handle in this edition of sent to Warwick Rally and offered at special clearance prices.
Riding On. However much of what The result was that 50 items were sold out; we have the
I have to say will be much like balance held for sale at super special prices when we meet at
an old Treasurer’s Report. I have Lismore for the 2023 Rally. The upshot of this review is that
now assumed a different role on embedded in our trading for 2022 is a write off of stock in the
the National Committee – Public order of $3,300. A further write off may be necessary after the
Officer. I have been the Public Lismore Rally if we do not clear all redundant stock.
Officer for 6 years, but, that was
a role included with Treasurer as I Now for the really exciting news. At this stage it appears that
was a resident of NSW (a statutory the Warwick Rally will generate a surplus in the order of $10-
requirement for the PO). The full 15k. This is a significant result considering there were only
handover of the role of Treasurer 820 registrations for the Rally and activities were severely
will be delayed somewhat due to interrupted by COVID hesitancy and floods. Floods caused
my successor (John Tout, #42398) a one day delay to the start of the Rally. All those members
not being fully available to take on involved in any aspect of the Rally deserve our sincere thanks
the role due to pre-planned travel arrangements which take for their perseverance in making the event happen.
him far away from his office in Werribee, Vic. So, at the present
time I am still fulfilling most of the functions of treasury whilst Purchasing/Gear Shop
bank signatories and other formalities are sorted out whilst I am also tasked with responsibility for Purchasing and Gear
John is away. Shop matters. I have not actively pursued this portfolio issues
My first task as the Public Officer after the AGM is to submit as they are currently being wrapped up by Robert Hunt (the
statutory reports to the Registrar at the Fair Trading Office. I former incumbent) who is in the process of clarifying issues of
have received approval of our submission for change of our short supply/re-supply with the suppliers of the commemorative
Constitution i.e. our Special Resolution has been accepted merchandise. Most members who did not receive merchandise
and we can now amend and publish our Constitution at Warwick (due to late supply or member non-attendance)
reflecting our concern for protecting members’ privacy. I await should now have received goods by mail. There is a small group
acknowledgement of our financial return. of members who are still waiting on merchandise due to supply
issues which Robert has sorted and goods will arrive shortly.
Following up on Treasurer matters; I am pleased to report
that my efforts in a previous life are bearing fruit. As at 30th
April 2022 the Club’s trading situation reveals a surplus of John Osborne
$5,122 reflecting the savings achieved in changes to Riding
On publishing and the move to new premises. NatCom had #41785
decided to review the stock holding in the Gear Shop. Robert Public Officer
Hunt #51563 in his role of Purchasing/Gear Shop controller
performed a thorough review of stock with particular attention
to outdated and slow moving items. This has resulted in 94