Page 7 - NLH Newsletter January 2022
P. 7

Branch “Mariner’s” Award

    The award is a Branch award, the committee looked
    at what awards were able to be given to people who
    give  good  service  and  work  to  the  branch.  There
    are only awards that are for Ulysses Club members           Due to Covid and the branch being unable to
    and  there  was  nothing  for  non-members  and             run the Bunnings BBQ last September,
    partners.  We  wanted  to  stick  with  the  Greek          Bunnings donated $500.00 to the branch and
    mythology     theme      of    Ulysses,    Odyssey,         the committee decided to Raffle 5 x $100
    Telemachus, etc. and a little bit of research picked        Bunnings vouchers and donate the proceeds to
    up that in Homers Eliade it mentioned that all of the       UCARF.
    Greek adventurers were supported by the Mariners            The Raffle was drawn by Mel from Bunnings
    who would convey them to and from their conquests           Wallsend and the winners were in no particular
    and  assist  them  when  needed.  We  thought  this         order were as follows,
    would be a good name for our branch award.                  John McGrath (D85), Jen Rosewood (D19),

                                                                David Brown (D36), Jose Stokman (D42) and
                                                                Joy Doherty (D30)

    Del  receiving  the  inaugural  “Mariner’s  Award”.

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