Page 39 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 39
Mornington Wanderers 20th IRXQGLQJ 3UHVLGHQW *UDHPH µ%LJJOHV¶ .LQJ 5LGGHQ 2Q
Oct 2021), narrowly missing the special occasion.
Current Branch President, Ron Sturgeon #64226, addressed
Like most Branches, Covid has played merry hell with the the group to summarise the Branch history and recognise
Mornington Wanderers over the last two years. At least half WKH VLJQL¿FDQW HRUWV RI %LJJOHV DQG WKH RULJLQDO JURXS RI
the Branch rides and most of the social functions planned for Wanderers to form the branch in 2001. He also praised the
2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to the pandemic. Even our WLUHOHVV HRUWV RI WKH VXFFHVVLYH 3UHVLGHQWV FRPPLWWHHV DQG
much anticipated 20th Anniversary, due to be celebrated on 31 members to assure the ongoing success of the Branch.
October 2021, passed with barely whimper.
The afternoon continued with a delicious lunch punctuated by
Finally on Sunday 5th December 2021, upon easing of
Victorian Covid restrictions the Branch faithful gathered on the Ride award for 2020 & 2021 (combined) to Neil Lyons #68482,
Mornington Peninsula to celebrate Christmas, renewed social and, the Slim Sangster Social Participation award for 2020-
freedoms and a belated 20th anniversary. 2021 (combined) to Barb Matthews #46836. A number of far
less serious Dropper Awards were presented to members to
National President Henry Rokx and wife Marjorie attended celebrate their embarrassing moments during the year.
the festivities to convey congratulations on the milestone and
RHU ZRUGV RI ZLVGRP IRU WKH IXWXUH $ JRRG WXUQRXW RI RYHU Many thanks to Henry and Marjorie for making the journey to
50 current members were on hand for the occasion including help the Branch celebrate our milestone. Lets hope there are
two Original Wanderers (Branch founding members) Sandra many more to come.
µ7DLOJXQQHU¶ 'HQQLV DQG 3HWHU µ'LFN\ .QHH¶ 'D\ Mac Dyson #54643
#17930. A third original, Terry Mother OLeary #13347, was
unable to attend due to illness. Also sadly missed was our
ULYSSES MEMBERS RV GROUP also have rallies in May, August and November.
REPORT Our National Birthday Bash will be held at North Haven in
March, and our AGM event this year will be at Mudgee in
8O\VVHV PHPEHUV ZLOO EH SOHDVHG WR NQRZ WKDW .HQ 7DFRQ October, after cancellations the past 2 years due to Covid.
KDV ¿QDOO\ UHVSRQGHG ZHOO WR KLV WUHDWPHQW DQG LV HQMR\LQJ As you can see, there is lots happening in the RV Group, and
life at the moment, in stark contrast to his condition prior to our numbers are growing steadily - possibly something to do
&KULVWPDV KDV VWDUWHG ZHOO IRU KLP ± *RRGRQ\HU .HQ with the ageing process J. We welcome all new members!
$OO PHPEHUV ZRXOG KDYH EHHQ ÀDW RXW VLQFH ODVW HGLWLRQ ZLWK Visit our website at for further details on all
the annual ritual of visiting family and celebrating the festive coming events, or to access our membership application form if
season (where permissible). We hope you all had a safe youre interested in joining our beaut team.
and wonderful time, despite the resurgence of the dreaded
Coronavirus and its variants. Bob Lucas #32872
As we go to print, Tasmania will be enjoying their inaugural RV National Coordinator
Group rally, and we hope all goes well for Mike and Gary down Ulysses Members RV Group
there, plus into the future.
Queensland as usual, has been very busy, with a December
rally, and more planned for May, June and September. Victoria,
WA and NSW have events planned for February, and in NSW we