Page 5 - Riding On Autumn 2022
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           m  |  0448 336 111                              National President’s Report

                                     This will be my last report as   over Australia at various meetings and corresponding with many
                                     President of the Ulysses Club.   others has for the most part been a pleasure. Unfortunately, for
                                     I was pleased to take up the   health, business and family reasons I have had to call time on my
                                     role back in May 2021 at the   involvement on the National Committee. Prior to my departure,
                                     AGM in Orange. Unfortunate-  I have to thank most of the past and present committee mem-
                                     ly fate took over and things   bers that I have had the pleasure of working with over the last
                                     did not quite work out as I   8 years. In the early days I learnt a lot from my predecessors
                                     had intended.             on the committee and met a lot of interesting characters along
                                                               the way. There was, and still is, a lot to learn about the Ulysses
                                     It has been a very busy   Club history and procedures that are required at both Branch and
                                     \HDU  :H DUH ¿QDOO\ KHDGLQJ   National level. There have been many changes over the years
                                     towards having a National   and our relationships with sponsors, manufacturers and adver-
                                     Rally and AGM between the   WLVHUV DUH FKDQJLQJ  'XULQJ WKHVH GL໥FXOW WLPHV  PRQH\ LV VKRUW
                                     4th and 10th of April 2022.   everywhere and we have to work harder to secure support from
                                     The upcoming event at     traditional sources. In line with this, the format of future National
        Warwick is happening thanks to the hard work by the local organ-  Rallies will also need to be trimmed to minimise the cost of run-
        ising team. Things have been up in the air for quite some time,   ning events and the subsequent cost to members.
        mainly because of the uncertainty around Covid19 restrictions
        and border closures. At the time of writing this report, the regis-  After my departure from the National Committee, for a time, I will
        trations for the event at Warwick are slowly trickling in. The slow   need to concentrate on some ongoing business issues, but I hope
        response is possibly because of the ongoing fears and uncertainty   to resume activities at Branch level including organising some
        about future restrictions. I understand it is hard to have a great   %UDQFK ULGHV  RI WKH ORQJ ZHHNHQG SHUVXDVLRQ   , ZLOO GH¿QLWHO\
        deal of trust in our “lords and masters” in government, but, at   continue as a Ulysses Club member and I hope to renew many
        some point we have to deal with that in a positive way.  acquaintances.
        The next National Rally in 2023 will be in Lismore, followed by
        and hopefully this time we will be able to go ahead. I’m certainly
        Mandurah in 2024. For both events it will be a “take 2” moment
        looking forward to attending both of these events, even though it
        tee goes.

        During my 8 years on the National Committee I have had the   #28636  DM#45
        pleasure of working for the members in various capacities and I   National President
        can honestly say I have enjoyed most of it. Meeting members all

            e  |                         Editorial

                                    I’ve been reading about 2   We’ve spent the last 2 years ducking Covid, missing out on our
                                    sisters, Augusta and Adeline Van   $*0 5DOOLHV  :HOO  :DUZLFN LV ORRNLQJ WR EH WKH PRVW GH¿QLWH
                                    Buren, who rode their Indian   prospect we’ve had since Mornington Victoria. We’ll be hunting
                                    motorcycles east to west across   out all our travel gear, checking tyres and getting our bikes
                                    America in 1916. Some 8850   serviced. Then there’s the actual journey, being out on the road
                                    kilometres! This was a huge   dealing with the weather, stray animals, breakdowns and other
                                    feat of endurance. There was   road users. I’d like to think that this will inspire some of our
                                    the lack of sealed roads and   ‘fairer’ members to maybe write down a few paragraphs and
                                    the fact that motorcycles had   send it in explaining what the trip meant to them.
                                    only been in existence for 30
                                    years (being female only added   Lastly, please try and keep all those excellent stories to 1,000
                                    to the challenge). It really is a   words or less and the ‘Ridden On’ section 300 words Maximum.
                                    fascinating story.
                                                                May your lid never skid,
                                   Jump to today and I can think of
           so many ladies who have covered thousands of kilometres on
           motorbikes. I’ve also heard some of their brilliant stories related   Ian Parks
           over a beverage or 2, but, rarely do I see these stories in Riding
           On pages.
                                                                #11735 DM39

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