Page 6 - Riding On Autumn 2022
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e  |
                 National Vice President’s Report
        m | 0408 807 579

                                         Hello Ulyssians,     forced closures of distributors causing a lack of information and
                                                              commitment from some suppliers.
                                         :HOO  LW¶V ¿QDOO\ KHUH
                                         The opportunity to   Luckily this appears to be turning around, with several
                                         attend a Ulysses Club   manufacturers committing to attending or sending a distributor
                                         National Rally after 2   with bike displays to the National Rally at Warwick.
                                         years of restrictions
                                         and cancellations!   Our regular sponsors of Shannons and Maurice Blackburn
                                                              continue to support the Ulysses Club and will also be there at
                                         The hardworking      the Rally.
                                         Warwick Rally Team
                                         is putting together a   Internationally, a lot of Rallies, AGM’s and events were cancelled
                                         great event for us all   DV WKH SDQGHPLF FRQWLQXHG  6RPH FOXEV KDYH UHDOO\ VX໤HUHG
                                         to attend and enjoy.   with their numbers dwindling as people became ill, restrictions
                                         We are all crossing   tightened and revenue was lost.
                                         RXU ¿QJHUV WKDW
                                         “restrictions” mean as   Ulyssians the world over are a hardy bunch, with most
                                         many as possible get   country National Committee’s planning ahead in the hope that
                                         the chance to travel to   restrictions and conditions will ease.
                                         Queensland in April.
                                                              Bookings for the Great Britain, Harrogate AGM in May are going
                                                              well, and, barring any more border closures, the International
                                         If you have the
        opportunity to travel around and across Australia, do so! Life is   Gathering in Switzerland for June is going ahead with an
        way too short to just sit back and let it pass you by!  extension of the trip being discussed to go via the Alps, Italian
                                                              Lakes and back into Germany.
        A National Rally is a great opportunity to see our great country,
        so whether you register for 3 or 7 days, the journey there and   Sadly, New Zealand has had to cancel their 2022 rally and
        back is usually a very enjoyable part of the event.   this has been rescheduled for 17th to 19th March 2023 in
        Besides that, you get to catch up with old and make new
        friends every time!                                   I look forward to continuing as a member of your National
                                                              Committee and hope to see many of you at Warwick in April.
        I have enjoyed the last year as a part of the National
        Committee and being able to conduct zoom meetings has   Always look on the Bright Side of Life
        meant far less travel, easy access to records when home,
        sleeping in my own bed and of course, less cost to the Club.

        My portfolio for the last few years has included International
        Ulysses Clubs and Motorcycle Manufacturers and Sponsors.  Allan Pratt
        pandemic, with deliveries of new bikes, sales of bikes and   National Vice President


              COUNTRIES          HIGHLIGHTS
              Poland , Austria, Czech                                                                 Tour
              Republic, Slovakia,   Riding in Austrian Alps,
              Hungary, Slovenia  Budapest, Prague,
                                 Vienna, Cesky Krumlov,
                                 Salzburg, Krakow,
              18 days /          Grossglockner pass.
              16 Riding Days

               ROUTE LENGTH      TOUR DATES 2022
               2.700 km          JUN 15 - JUL 2
               (1.700 miles)                                                              

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