Page 10 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 10

e  |                National Ulysses Club Rally Liaison
        m  |  0427 669 903                                   e  |
                                                             m  |  0423 379 848
                                                                e  |

                                                                m  |  0428 246 175
                                 Welcome to the Autumn edition   I look forward to seeing you at the 2022 Ulysses Club National
                                 of Riding On, and welcome to   Rally South – East Queensland in Warwick.
                                 the new members of this great
                                 Ulysses Club.                Dates of future Rallies:
                                 2025 Ulysses Club National Rally   2022 Ulysses Club National Rally – South - East Queensland 4th
                                 will be held at ?. I normally have   to 10th April 2022
                                 the pleasure of announcing the   2023 Ulysses Club National Rally – Lismore 1st to 7th May 2023
                                 future location of the National   2024 Ulysses Club National Rally – Western Australia 18th to
                                 Rally three years in advance   24th March 2024
                                 at the Extended National
                                 Committee Meeting and again   Along with the rest of the National Committee I am always on
                                 at the Annual General Meeting.   the lookout for a fantastic location to hold a National Rally. If
                                 Unfortunately, at this stage I will   you have a suitable location, I will welcome a call on 0427 66
                                 not be able to announce where   9903 or email to discuss the possibility of
                                 the 2025 National Rally is to be   running a National Rally as well as the submission process.
        held as I have not received an expression of interest from any   I look forward to receiving your submission for the 2025 Ulysses
        Branch or group of Branches.                          Club National Rally.
        Can I please ask each Branch to consider running a National
        Rally in 2025. Being involved with the management team of a
        National Rally is an extremely rewarding experience, one that  Blue Knowles
        will bring joy to you for many years to come. So how about
        getting your Branch to submit an application for the 2025   #33140
        National Rally.                                       Ulysses Club Rally Liaison

       e  |                      National Committee Member
       m  |  0400 867 302

                                Greetings fellow Ulyssians,   congratulate all the Zone winners, and the National winner. I
                                                              will be contacting the local Branches to assist in organising the
                                By the time you read this report,   presentation to the Zone winners. The National winner will be
                                a lot of us will be preparing to   attending the National Rally and they will receive their prize
                                ride to the 2022 National Rally   and recognition in front of our members. I am sure you will all
                                in Warwick. If you are travelling,   join me in ensuring the winner leaves the National Rally with
                                please take care as I look forward   memories that will stay with them forever. The MAOTY program
                                to catching up and enjoying the   is an important part of ensuring that quality motorcycle trades
                                stories that abound during our   people are enticed to the industry and look to the Ulysses Club
                                time together. If like me, you are   as part of their future.
                                taking an extended holiday after
                                the Rally, take extra care on the   Wherever possible, a member of the National Committee and/or
                                roads and return home safe to   the MAOTY Adjudicator will be present to provide support at the
                                your families and friends.    presentation.

                               The Gear Shop will be up and   :LWK &RYLG VORZLQJ GRZQ  LW LV ¿QDOO\ ORRNLQJ OLNH ZH FDQ JHW
        running at the Rally and I encourage everyone to drop by, have   out and about. This means more events and opportunities for
        a chat and purchase good quality merchandise. During the   Ulysses on a National and Branch level. Advertising will be
        Rally we will also be having a huge clearance sale of a range   an important part of informing members what is available in
        of stock items. There will be plenty of bargains for everyone so   Australia and overseas. I will be approaching organisations
        don’t miss out. After the Rally, I will be conducting a review of   and encouraging them to advertise in our Riding On magazine
        stock items with a view of holding items of interest and value to   and on our website. If you know of any organisations that may
        members. If you have any ideas in this regard, I will be happy   be interested, please provide them with my details and I will
        to have a chat and discuss.                           happily follow up.
        To prevent over-ordering of Rally Merchandise we will only be   Looking forward to seeing many of you at the rally.
        placing an order for what members have pre-ordered.
                                                              Safe travels, Regards,
        I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Warwick
        Rally team for their hard work in organising what promises to   Robert Hunt
        manufacturers, traders, rides, and social events. Well done to   #51563
        all involved.
                                                              National Committee Member (Purchasing, Advertising
        The MAOTY awards for 2021 have been completed and I   and MAOTY)

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