Page 12 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 12

Letters To The Editor

         A very familiar face in the Sydney motorcycle scene for many   I have to admit
         years, Linda Cowper-Holdforth passed away suddenly on 25th   her racing abilities
         September, aged 72.                                  on her older
                                                              bikes, was better
         It is quite appropriate that this morning is foggy and overcast   than mine on
         VR WR ¿W WKH JORRP\ QDWXUH RI P\ PHVVDJH             my newer ones,
                                                              with only two
         I have many hard print photos of her and her pink Norton plus   exceptions.
         her Vincent.
                                                              She was such
         To commemorate her life, I am wearing the black 1948 HRD   a positive
         Vincent t-shirt she sold me a few years ago at the annual   personality. I
         Festival of Speed at SMSP.
                                                              met her once
         pink ‘Johnno’ leathers riding a Norton at Oran Park raceway.   Homebush and
         The bike was cranked right over through BP corner on to the   she was about to apply some 'retail therapy' to her marriage
         main straight.                                       break up, by buying a new bike.
                                                              I intend now to pay my respects. Does anyone have any idea
         As a 17 year old 100cc Suzuki owner, I was one of many young
         males, I'm sure, who were enamoured by her good looks and in   where she is buried, presuming that she is?
         awe of her riding abilities.
                                                              Yours mournfully,
         We later competed on the track, when in the Annandale   Phillip Motbey #31181 Secretary, Sydney Branch.
         Leichhardt Club and the HRR during the 70's & 80's.

         5th SUNDAY GROUP
         The photo was taken of a group of
         “old” Ulyssians who used to ride
         together regularly most Sundays
         for 15 to 20 years. In those day
         we also attended the Ulysses
         A.G.M.s every year, often making
         the ride together. Lionel and I
         attended 19 A.G.M.s but I can’t
         speak for the others. Some of our
         group are still riding and attending
         A.G.M.s, Odysseys and other
         Rallies. “Back then” because Club
         four weekends of the month, the
         occasional 5th Sunday was like “a
         day spare”. This led to the idea of                 ill health and that now seems to be a common topic of
         keeping friendships going by meeting for a picnic lunch every   conversation, although we have lots of laughs and swap stories
         5th Sunday at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre Lakeside   each time we meet which has now been for ELEVEN YEARS ON
         area under a shady tree.                            EVERY 5TH SUNDAY.

         Sadly we have lost some of our friends from the group through
                                                             Mary Jacobson, #4564. DM#005

         To the Editor,                                      Please try not to forget such important members in the future!
         I’d like to point out that in your last editorial where you wrote   Axle Wrench, Prospective Ulysses Member.....
         about the Riding On being the Club’s newsletter and the past
         Editors, you forgot to mention Daryl Buckingham

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