Page 16 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 16

                              NOTICE  OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2022
                           Warwick Showgrounds, 18 Kingsford Street, Warwick,
                                                Queensland, 4370
                                         Saturday 9th April 2022 at 1pm

         The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Ulysses Club   President: Allan Pratt #9186
         Incorporated will be held on Saturday 9th April 2022 at   9LFH 3UHVLGHQW  %OXH .QRZOHV
         WKH :DUZLFN 6KRZJURXQGV     .LQJVIRUG 6WUHHW  :DUZLFN    National Secretary: Sharryn Nankervis #36204
         Queensland, 4370. The meeting will commence at 1.00pm   National Treasurer: John Tout #42398
         sharp and the doors will be closed.                   2UGLQDU\ &RPPLWWHH  .HQ (DWRQ
                                                               Ordinary Committee: Robert Hunt #51563
         The meeting will consider a Special Resolution to amend   Ordinary Committee: John Osborne #41785
         Clauses 19 d) and 19 e) of the Ulysses Club Inc Constitution
         (2015)                                                Attendance and speaking rights at the Annual General Meeting
                                                               ZLOO EH VWULFWO\ OLPLWHG WR ¿QDQFLDO PHPEHUV RI 8O\VVHV &OXE ,QF
         The National Committee of the Ulysses Club Inc. advises
         members that Nominations for all positions on the National   Sharryn Nankervis #36204
         Committee for 2022 have been received and are as follows:   National Secretary

        Special Resolution to Amend Clauses 19 d) and 19 e) of Ulysses   verify the data to any member of the National Committee, the
        Club Inc Constitution (2015).                        3XEOLF 2໥FHU RU WKH $GPLQLVWUDWRU DW WKH 1DWLRQDO $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ
                                                             2໥FH RI WKH 8O\VVHV &OXE ,QF
        Proposed by John Osborne  Member No. 41785
        Seconded by Allan Pratt Member No. 9186              And
        “That Clauses 19 d) and 19 e) in the Constitution approved   19 e) All member’s information contained on the Register is
        28th March 2015 be revoked and replaced with:-       GHHPHG FRQ¿GHQWLDO DQG LV QRW DYDLODEOH IRU GLVVHPLQDWLRQ
                                                             except as provided for in Clause 19 d) (above).”
        19 d) The provisions of clause 19 c) shall not apply to any
        member of the National Committee requiring such information   This is a Special Resolution requiring a 75% majority in a secret
        for the purposes of the National Committee nor to any member   ballot, to be adopted.
        requiring information about his or her own entry in the register.
        $Q\ R໥FH EHDUHU RI D %UDQFK  RU DQ\ H[ R໥FLR R໥FH EHDUHU   This Special resolution has been unanimously supported by the
        of the Club, who keeps a register of members relating to their   National Committee at a duly convened National Committee
        particular activities, can have the member information they hold   meeting on 1st March 2022.

        RIDING ON 16
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