Page 21 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 21


        Double Dayer.

        It’s said a trip is just a trip until something goes wrong, then it’s   The good
        an adventure.                                        news for
                                                             the next
        What a great ADVENTURE we had!                       section
        ‘Dunno’, Darren and friends are embarking on a 6 day dirt   was
        adventure in March to raise funds for the Variety Children’s   that the
        Charity. What’s needed before then is some extra time in the   weather
        saddle, especially on dirt. The idea of an overnight, 2 day ride   conditions
        was formed. The overnight venue chosen was Walcha. Then   improved
        Mick Simpson decided he would tag along and stay on the   enough to
                                                                          y and so the pace w
                                                                                          as a
                                                                                              ble to
        tarmac, meeting the rest of the crew at Walcha. So the dual   help with visibility and so the pace was able to quicken
        route, 2 dayer was born. Half the crew following ‘Dunno’ on the   a little. Until the now infamous Nowendoc Clay had its say.
        dirt and the other half following Mick on the bitumen to meet   Maddy really needed a new front tyre. Darren, following, lost
        up at Walcha for a feed, a few brews and some laughs. Well,   count of the number of “big moments” the Tenere rider had and
        that was the PLAN.                                   where that bike wanted to go. One such moment ending with
                                                             LW IDFH ¿UVW LQWR WKH EXVK  $JDLQ QR GDPDJH EXW ULGLQJ LQ FOD\
        Chapter 1 - Mother Nature.                           really was a game of roulette.
        There’s a saying about the best laid plans of mice and men.
        Well, Mum Nature had other plans for us. The dates for the   ‘Dunno’ also had his turn. Leading, he hit some deep clay and
        ride had been carefully chosen using the long term weather   WKH .70     ¿VKWDLOHG EDGO\  WKHQ JDLQLQJ WUDFWLRQ LW GHFLGHG WR
        forecast for the 2 days where the temps were below thirty and   head left, straight into the longest, deepest, muddiest puddle of
        a low probability of rain. What we were greeted with was 2 of   the day. Longer than the bike and at least 2 feet deep. Darren
        the wettest days of the whole month and on the second day a   was unsure whether to send in a search party or toss a snorkel
        severe wind warning!                                 to the little guy. ‘Dunno’ came to rest with his left foot pushing
        In the days and hours leading up to the start of the ride the   against the cutting to keep “Pepe” upright ankle deep (on the
        original group of 16, slowly dwindled to 11.         pegs) in water.
        What was to be a scenic cruise on the dirt changed. It’d been   From here it was a beautiful ride across Mummel Rd through
        advertised as a 2 out of 5 on ‘Dunno’’s sphincter scale, but, in   the National Park with just about every surface you could
        reality it was a solid 3, sometimes pushing towards a 4.  imagine. Riders being careful to see the occasional slippery
                                                             section well in advance. By the time the guys hit the tar, they
        Chapter 2 - Mud not Dirt.                            were happy to cruise into Walcha for the night. Darren was
        The group wound its way over Godfrey Hill Rd, down the Lakes   pleased with his new ADVworx soft panniers but ‘Dunno’ wasn’t
        :D\ WR )DLOIRUG 5G  WKHQ 1DELDF DQG .UDPEDFK YLD $YDORQ 5G    happy with the amount of water his new jacket had let in.
        Here the 2 groups parted with the tarmac boys heading West   (the jacket is being assessed at the Goretex testing facility in
        and the dirt riders heading East to take Gloucester Rd to link   Melbourne.)
        up with Nowendoc Rd. This was a shake down ride for Darren
        and ‘Dunno’, their bikes, gear plus luggage. The 3 adventurers   7KH ¿UVW SRUW RI FDOO ZDV WR KDQJ WKH JHDU WR GU\ DQG KLW WKH
        headed towards Mt George, winding their way through the   showers. Well done, Walcha Motel. It was only a short walk to
        JUHHQHU\ DQG E\ QRZ WKH\ ZHUH FRQ¿GHQW ZLWK WKH JULS RI WKHLU   the Apsley Arms where the new owners threw out the welcome
        tyres in the continuing wet.                         mat.
        Stopping at Mt George, it was quickly decided that a break   Chapter 3 The Return.
        was in order, out of the rain, on a verandah, much to the   Locals advised us that the creeks on the roads we had chosen
        amusement of some locals who didn’t quite believe our reply of   for the return, were swollen, with one crossing running at about
        “Any day is a good day for a ride.”                  5 feet. The riders decided to follow the road to Nowendoc. It
                                                             was a fun 2 hour loop including the run up “the cutting”, coming
        ‘Dunno’’s new Goretex jacket was showing signs of leaking so   LQ YLD 1XQGOH  7KH ZHDWKHU IRU WKH ¿UVW KRXU ZDV IDEXORXV ZLWK
        DIWHU PDNLQJ VXUH DOO YHQWV  FX໤V DQG FROODUV ZHUH VHFXUH WKH   the sun often highlighting the vistas. Sadly, the poor weather
        journey continued. As the bitumen ran out, the red Nowendoc   returned and that strong wind warning was well deserved. The
        dirt gave way to running rain ruts and slippery clay. Turning   2nd hour was wet, cold and windy with strong gusts to keep
        RQWR (Q¿HOG 5DQJH 5G DQG (Q¿HOG 5G FRQGLWLRQV FRQWLQXHG WR   the riders on their toes. A break at Nowendoc was welcomed
        become increasingly challenging as the water got deeper, the   by all and the riders decided that safety was the call for the day
        rain continued, the clay got thicker and the visibility became   and decided to stay on the tar all the way home.
        almost non-existent. After about an hour of muddy fun the trio
        rounded a corner to be greeted by a freshly fallen tree across   Darren announced that he thought ‘Dunno’ needed a name
        their path. Going back was a last resort and going around was   change to Dr ‘Dunno’ (as in Dr Doolittle) due to the love
        potentially dangerous. It was decided that the main trunk may   animals appear to have for him. He’d been escorted by
        be movable, enough to allow passage. So, 3 sodden souls set   Lyrebirds, stared down by cattle, dive bombed by Galahs and
        forth and eventually there was just enough room to allow tight   kamikazeed by a wallaby who eventually scaled a 10 foot high
        passage. Each rider taking turns, while the other 2 dragged   FOL໤ WR JHW DZD\
        the rear wheel around to the appropriate position. Happy to
        be moving again the trio were pleased that no other obstacles   Epilogue
        appeared during the rest of the trip but for the mud, oh and did   What was planned as an easy 2 day ride turned into a much
        I mention the clay! Concentration levels were high but visibility   more challenging event. That said there were zero complaints,
        was extremely low. At the next rest stop all the riders were   everyone had a great time and there are plenty of new stories
        sharing stories of how some visors appear to break the laws of   WKDW  OLNH D ¿QH ZLQH  ZLOO RQO\ LPSURYH ZLWK WKH SDVVLQJ RI WLPH
        physics. How do you fog up when open in the rain? The interior   Can’t wait for the next one.
        of each helmet was well soaked as an open visor was the only
        option, 2 riders wearing glasses also added to the issue.  Graeme Dunning #58852

                                                                                                   RIDING ON 21
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