Page 22 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 22


        My name is Hank Steuten (#66189) and this is a story about   on him as if his life depended on it, as John ducked under and
        how I got to know the real Bernie Holmes (RO #153 Ridden   between the raging waves. Bernie realised he couldn’t launch
        On...Ed). Firstly, I need to set the scene.           his own 13 metre lifeboat as the swells were too large for
                                                              recovery. They kept up this watch till a smaller boat could get to
        On one Saturday many months ago, I overheard a snippet of   him to rescue him. While Bernie sheltered him from the waves
        conversation in the carpark at Brunch, with the usual Ulysses   with the Ampol Sarel, John was saved after 5 and a half hours
        Club regulars. It made me think, “what a small world”.  in the water, by the crew of the dismasted yacht Atari. They had
                                                              turned back from Eden to assist, even though their own hull
        This is a story that starts during the disastrous 1993 Sydney to   had been damaged from their broken mast. They eventually
        +REDUW \DFKW UDFH     \DFKWV RXW RI     VWDUWHUV GLGQ¶W ¿QLVK WKH   delivered him to the wharf in Eden to emotional scenes in front
        race. They had either retired due to the weather, were sunk or   of the waiting TV cameras.
        GHVWUR\HG  :LQGV RI    NP KU ZHUH UHFRUGHG R໤ *DER ,VODQG    Ampol showed their appreciation of the good publicity
        with seas up to 12 metres.                            JDLQHG IRU WKHLU LQGXVWU\ E\ RUJDQLVLQJ  VW FODVV ÀLJKWV DQG
        7KDW \HDU  , ZDV D GLUHFWRU ZLWK WKH 8. EDVHG 7KRUQ /LJKWLQJ   accommodation in Sydney for Bernie and Ann, to enable a
        along with John Quinn from Sydney. Being the only two Aussies   presentation dinner and the opportunity to meet John Quinn.  A
                                                              FKHTXH IRU       ZDV SUHVHQWHG ZKLFK %HUQLH VXEVHTXHQWO\
        out of all the English and Europeans at the monthly executive
        meetings in London, we became friends.                donated to the Salvation Army.  At the dinner he caught up
                                                              with John Quinn who mentioned that he was sponsored by a
        John was also the owner/skipper of the yacht MEM, who had   whiskey company and promised him two cases as a token of
        managed 5 class wins in the Sydney to Hobart race. But about   thanks. I heard from Bernie later that due to incompatible travel
        11:30 pm on this night in 1993, as he was piloting his boat in   arrangements, the Captain and the whisky never connected.
        one of the worst storms to ever hit the race, he was washed   Something he recounted to me with what I detected as a
        yacht. His harness, which he was wearing, snapped from the   %HUQLH ZDV VXEVHTXHQWO\ R໤HUHG D EUDYHU\ PHGDO  WR EH
        LW ZDV WRR ODWH  -RKQ ZDV   NOPV R໤VKRUH  KLV RZQ \DFKW   presented by the Governor General, but turned it down, saying
                                                              ZLWK KXPLOLW\ WKDW KH GLUHFWHG D WHDP H໤RUW
        lights disappearing into the distance, and it was pitch black.
        As he was being tossed over and under the 12mtr waves   John later said “I’m very lucky to be alive, there’s no doubt
        and glimpsed his boat through the spray as it motored away   about that. And a lot of that luck was created by Captain Bernie
        searching for him, he knew he was in big, big trouble.
                                                              Holmes and the Ampol Sarel.”
        At about the same time, the 250M long 100,000 tonne oil   The funny thing is, I had known Bernie for some time, and
        tanker the Ampol Sarel, commanded by Captain Bernie Holmes   he had never raised this story with me. Yet unbeknown to me
                 KDG EHHQ KHDGLQJ QRUWK WR %ULVEDQH DQG ZDV R໤   he had famously saved my old mates life. The story had been
        Eden, when shortly before midnight several MAYDAYS were   written up in papers and on TV across Australia and from the
        received from yachts in trouble. One was received advising   8. WR WKH 86$ DQG , KDG QHYHU H[SHFWHG WR PHHW WKLV PDQ  8QWLO
        that the Skipper of the yacht MEM was overboard, and his last   that day that I overheard a part of a discussion by Ann in the
        known position was given as well east of Gabo Is, being 5 hours   car park at Brunch, and I just had to join in.
        steaming to the south.
                                                              Bernie was a very humble man indeed, who never thought of
        While other ships motored down wind, where they estimated   himself as brave. Yet he most certainly was a quiet achiever.
        John would drift to, Bernie started his search close to the last   It was a privilege to be called Laddie by him, even if in your
        recorded position. On arrival, with all hands on deck, he ordered   60s and 70s. Because then you knew you had a friend. And
        the engines stopped to enable an audio-visual search.  One of   throughout his life, he made plenty of those.
        the many lookouts astonishingly heard a cry from the crest of
        a wave on the port beam and turned the search light onto a
        weary John Quinn.  Bernie told his crewman to keep the light

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