Page 27 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 27

ust love
                                                             concentration levels. Save the big meals for dinner when
         example, say you’re only around 170cm tall and just love   concentration levels. Save the big meals for dinner when
                                                             \RX¶YH ¿QLVKHG ULGLQJ
         that new ‘adventure’ bike? How’re you going to cope with the   \RX¶YH ¿QLVKHG ULGLQJ
                                                ope with the
                                                  do with
         840mm seat height? There’s only so much you can do with
                                                             4. Discuss your riding. Talk about how your bike’s going. s going.
         HUJRQRPLF DGMXVWPHQWV  HYHQ ZKHQ PRVW PRGHUQ ELNHV R໤HU   4 .  Discuss y our riding.  T a lk about how y our bik e’
                                                 ELNHV R໤HU
                                                             <HDK  VRPHWLPHV \RX KHDU VWX໤ VWUHWFKLQJ WKH LPDJLQDWLRQ  WLRQ
         adjustment capability.                              < HDK   VRPHWLPHV \ RX KH DU VWX໤ VWU HWFKLQJ WKH LPDJL QD
                                                             EXW ZH DOVR KHDU LPSRUWDQW WKLQJV WKDW PLJKW EHQH¿W
                                                             EXW ZH DOVR KHDU LPSRUWDQW WKLQJV WKDW PLJKW EHQH¿W
                                                 ? Are
         Ok, so you’re right with your bike? What about you? Are
                                                ed, angry,
         you well enough to ride today? Being tired, stressed, angry,   G e a
         depressed, even just hungry or any combination of these
                                                             We don’t really want to preach here but, the reality is if you
                                                ou be
         is probably not going to be conducive to helping you be   W e don’ t r eal ly w ant to pr each her e but, the r eal i t y is  if y ou
                                                             GR KDYH WKH PLVIRUWXQH WR FRPH R໤ \RXU ELNH  \RX¶OO OLNHO\
                                                             GR KDYH WKH PLVIRUWXQH WR FRPH R໤ \RXU ELNH  \RX¶OO OLNHO\

                                                 nd self-
         your best. Again, this comes back to the honesty and self-  VX໤HU D ORW OHVV  SHUKDSV QRW \RXU SULGH  LI \RX¶UH SURWHFWHG
                                                             VX໤HU D ORW OHVV  SHUKDSV QRW \RXU SULGH  LI \RX¶UH SURWHFWHG
                                                 est leave
         awareness aspect. If you don’t think you’re right, best leave
                                                             by ‘good’ riding gear..
                                                 s, just
         the ride for another day. It’s not a sign of weakness, just   b y  ‘ good’ riding gear
                                                                                                         el, i
                                                              e honest wi
                                                                       th y
                                                                                                 our appar
                                                             Be honest with yourself and critically assess your apparel, it’s
                                                                               f and cri
                                                                                        ly assess y
                                                             your choice (or skin).
                                                             your choice (or skin).
                                                             Please check out this website ( It
                                                             compares and rates lots of riding gear for rider comfort and
                                                             safety. There’s a simple reality here, if you’re wearing gear
                                                             VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG IRU ULGLQJ  \RX :,// EH VDIHU WKDQ LI
                                                             you’re not wearing it.
                                                             Your NSW rep, Ulysses Club Road Safety Committee
                                                             (UCRSC) – ride safely!
                                                             3HWHU ,YDQR໤
         In the group
         Hey we’re Ulyssians! How good is it to get together and
         remember, it’s best to have our ride planned and managed.
         We need to know where we’re going, routes, the weather
         forecast and where we’re stopping as a group to consider.
         Are we all the same? No. What’s the ride protocol (assuming
         there is one)? Some riders will want to go faster than others,
         and if riding in a group, this is a contingency that needs to
         be managed for everyone’s safety and peace of mind. Hard
         to ride safely if people are stressed or unsure. Ulysses Club
         branches seem to have this aspect pretty well sorted in the
         We’ve written some articles on this before, but given
         the topic, worth revisiting. We’re not here to preach
         but sometimes it’s worthwhile to have a think about the
         importance of our stops when out on a ride. Commonsense
         1. Stop regularly to assist with comfort and re-focusing our
         2. Hydrate regularly. Dehydration is a killer when it comes
         to your ability to focus and concentrate let alone your overall
         health. Don’t wait until you start feeling thirsty as that’s
         already a warning sign of de-hydration. What about a couple
         of ales? Alcohol will only de-hydrate you, even though it might
         taste cold and wet.
         3 .  Sustenance. W e need i t but riding wi th  a  heap of
         3. Sustenance. We need it but riding with a heap of
         gut-luggage is not great. Small meals are best for your
         gut-luggage is not great. Small meals are best for your
                                                                                                   RIDING ON 27
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