Page 25 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 25

intro to MMB

         Back in 2019 I was staying with my   motorcyclists. MMB has been squished
         friends Brian and Val Cullinan on a   into a plethora of, panniers, suitcases,
         motorcycling trip to South Australia. As   backpacks, express post bags and has
         I often do on my visits, I attended the   travelled the world so many times it is
         Ulysses Adelaide Branch dinner meeting   legendarily mind-boggling.
         with them. However, unknowingly this
         time was going to have some new    Peter has been kind to chat with me,
         VLJQL¿FDQFH WR P\ PRWRUF\FOLQJ WUDYHOV    sending diaries, travel badges, travel toy
         :KLOVW , ZDV WKHUH  .HQ ³:DJV´ :DJQLW]   buddy Red Dog who he met in Turkey,
         came up to have a chat. Like he had   and a blow-up electric guitar. This is just
         found the answer to a well-pondered   the tip of the MMB ice-berg story out
         dilemma; he asked would I be interested   there. As the deadline for this edition
         in taking ‘Mini Me Bear’ on (Mini Me   of Riding On is only days away from
         ZKDW"""" :KR"""" .HK"""  DQG LQFOXGLQJ   receiving this package I am yet to fully
         MMB as a travel buddy on my adventures   research the diaries but hope to write
         for the foreseeable future? I was to take   more in future editions.
         him until I found the next appropriate   :KDW , FDQ EULHÀ\ VD\ LV 00% KDV
         adventurer to pass on the Mini Me Bear
         baton.                             traveled extensively around Australia
                                            and the world, meeting fellow explorers,
         , KDG QHYHU KHDUG RI WKLV VWX໤HG OLWWOH   traveling by plane, a 2300cc Rocket, RV’s,
         .RDOD WKDW TXLFNO\ ZDV EHFRPLQJ    Caravans, sidecars, a huge variety of
         obvious had the awe of many seasoned   motorbikes and limousines just to name a
         motorcycling travelers. I learned from   few. From what I have read so far, he can
         .HQ DQG %ULDQ  00% LV DQ RXWJRLQJ    party hard with the best of them, is very
         cheeky adventurer, socialite, party   popular with having his photo taken and
         animal, up for anything, well-traveled   particularly a favorite with girls, he’s even
         soul, a ‘bear of the world’ you could say.   VWD\HG RQ WKH VDPH ÀRRU DV WKH .LQJ RI
         You will notice I don’t refer to MMB as   Brunei during a MotoGP. He’s watched
         an ‘it’ or a ‘thing’, he is in fact a real him/  movies at Charters Towers, attended
         he/his/ bear, to many within our more   the Finke Desert Race, and was an avid
         mature motorcycling demographic. I’ve   soccer fan whilst in Turkey. He has lived
         had grown men spot MMB and stop dead,   to tell a story of a dingo raid at his camp
         jaw dropping like a kid who just spotted a   LQ .DNDGX  QDUURZO\ DYRLGHG LQMXU\ E\ D
         sporting hero, pointing and asking is that   peacock, survived a sandy crash by yours
         him? Is that the real MMB? Can I have a   truly only to shake the sand out of his
         VHO¿H"                             fur before continuing to travel another
                                            1800kms just to have brekkie with the
         Who is MMB? MMB came to fruition   South Australian Breakfast Club.
         or life as an alter ego for Peter “The
         Bear” Thoeming. For those who don’t   MMB has a community conscience, he’s
         know Peter, he is a distinguished author   attended a charity ride against child
         of motorcycling books, editor and   abuse in Las Vegas, and helped at the
         journalist for many of Australia’s past   Isle of Man and MotoGP’s, according to
         and present motorcycling magazines   the high vis vest he currently adorns over
         and forums.These are just a few of his   his Ulysses leather jacket and denim vest.
         many contributions to Ulysses and the
         motorcycling community. Peter is also   I have been fortunate to have MMB
         one of the early Ulysses members of this   as my riding partner on two separate
                                            00% EDWRQ SDVVHV  7KH ¿UVW WLPH
         fantastic Club, and designer of our “Old
         Man” logo.                         MMB was handed over at the SABC in
                                            Peterborough. I decided to take him to
         So how did MMB come to be? Peter   the end of the world. Well, at least to
         was becoming wildly popular in our   Worlds End, an aptly named district in
         motorcycling community and was being   South Australia. You do feel like you’re
         invited to so many events that one man   at the end of the world, there is nothing
         alone could not physically attend them   but one house in a barren landscape
         all. He needed a representative, someone   and a road that just goes on and on. I
         to help reduce the pressure without   will write of our adventures later, which
         R໤HQGLQJ  7KLV LV ZKHUH 0LQL 0H %HDU   include the Grampians, Australian High
         came to life, as a stand-in for Peter “the   Country, Great Ocean Road attending
         Bear” Thoeming. Peter went to his local   many Victorian Breakfast Club gatherings,
         Target and found our little traveler and so   travelling solo and with Melbourne,
         the adventurer came to life.       Grampians, and the Green Triangle
         Peter is well known for his travels far and
         wide but only took MMB on one of his   If you have travelled with MMB or know
         trips, but this sparked a new direction   ZKHUH , FDQ ¿QG VWRULHV  SKRWRV HWF
         in MMB’s existence. In addition to   please contact me via mmbstories@
         representing Peter at events, MMB found I would love to hear from you.
         himself on trips with other like-minded
                                            Holly Fields #54062
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