Page 30 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 30

2 Stroke


         , HQMR\HG WKH .DZDVDNL     7ULSOH VWRU\ LQ ,VVXH     DQG   means.  So there was some cosmetic damage on the right side
         thought I’d share my tale of a couple of Japanese 2 Stroke   and, from sitting unused in the back shed, the rear brake was
         Triples.                                              also seized.

         I started riding at 13, left school at the end of ’73 and did a   My father, a life-long motorcyclist, had a Suzuki GT750A up
         Telecommunications Apprenticeship with the NSW Railways.  on blocks in his garage at this time and thought he’d enjoy
                                                               collecting Japanese 2 Stroke Triples. So, thinking of dad, I
         During those years I occasionally worked with a bloke, Clint,   asked Clint if he wanted to sell it and he said “yeah, make me
         who was a few years older than me. We connected due to a   DQ R໤HU´
         RZQHG D IHZ ELNHV RYHU WKRVH \HDUV  RQH EHLQJ D ¿UVW PRGHO   As we were sitting in a pub, surrounded by a few of the
         Mach 3 with drum brakes and a white tank with blue stripes. I   younger apprentices and knowing that Clint loved to show that
         had the chance to ride that bike a few times.         KH ZDV KLS  FRRO DQG GLGQ¶W KDYH D FDUH LQ WKH ZRUOG , R໤HUHG
         I left the Railways in 1981 but used to catch up with old mates
         from there every few months. I was riding a ’79 Suzuki GS850G   He got a bit red in the face, knew he was being scrutinised by
         at this stage. Clint was a legend in his own mind and loved to   the young’uns but that he didn’t want to appear like he cared,
         VKRZ R໤ LQ IURQW RI WKH \RXQJHU JX\V                  so he agreed!
         2QH WLPH  , DVNHG KLP LI KH VWLOO KDG WKH .DZDVDNL  +H VDLG   I went straight to a public phone and rang my father, arranging
         yes and added that during a high speed fang it had seized the   to meet him at Lakemba railway station in his ute and we drove
         centre pot, but that he had managed to “lay it down” to avoid   out to Clint’s place at Condell Park later that afternoon and
         imminent danger. I think we all know what “lay it down” really   picked it up.

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