Page 32 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 32

Yarra Ranges Branch Twin Spurs

        Rally 12 to 14 November 2021

             fter last year’s Twin Spurs event that was heavily
             impacted by COVID restrictions we were very lucky   Rides and Exploration of the area
         Ato emerge from another long lockdown this year and
         be able to proceed with the event. Overall, 84 Ulysses   On day one, 3 rides to the event were planned, however,
         members registered for the event and despite the weather   because of the severe weather the dirt ride was deleted. The
         for the weekend being the coldest in 167 years for November   ¿UVW JURXS ULGH ZDV OHG E\ RXU 3UHVLGHQW ± 6WHZDUW :HVW¿HOG
         with heavy rain and possible snow forecast, more than 80   DQG VWDUWHG IURP WKH %UXQFK &DIp .LOV\WK DQG WRRN D GLUHFW
         participants turned up mostly by car with a few fearless   route to Marysville. The 2nd ride led by Mark Rattle was
         Ulyssians riding. The Marysville Caravan Park was the main   intended to take a more adventurous route via the Reefton
         accommodation for the event, however, a number of attendees   Spur. However, again the weather dictated that a safer direct
         had to use other local motels due to the huge exodus of   route was preferable and the Black Spur was taken. Both
         Melbournians following easing of lockdown restrictions.   groups arrived in Marysville around midday safely but a little
         A key feature of the Twin Spurs Rally is the wonderful scenic
         rides that are available in this area. In the vicinity are the   Day 2 rides where also hampered by the weather and only one
         beautiful towns of Alexandra, Eildon, Buxton, Jamieson,   ULGH OHG E\ 6WHZDUW :HVW¿HOG KHDGHG WR OXQFK DW WKH &RXQWU\
         7DJJHUW\ DQG 7KRUQWRQ  7KH DUHD R໤HUV IDEXORXV ULGLQJ   Pub Yea via Buxton, Taggerty and Eildon back road to take a
         driving roads with scenic views and great places to stop   view of the dam from the lookout then via Jerusalem Creek to
         for refreshments, dining and sightseeing (Steavenson Falls,   Alexandra and then onto Yea.
         Bruno’s Art & Sculpture Garden, Gallipoli Park, Lake Mountain,
         Buxton Trout & Salmon Farm).                        At the Country Pub the riders were greeted by those that took
                                                             their cars and enjoyed a great pub lunch and catch-up chat
         As stated, most participants took their cars. However, this was   with other rally members including some Victorian Breakfast
         not a concern as this is predominantly a social event enabling   Club members.
         our members to enjoy the company of others in a delightful
         location. We were also very lucky to coincide with the timing   Many of the non riders did their own exploring around
         of the Victorian Breakfast Club and had 10 members join our   Marysville and nearby scenic areas then headed to the other
         rally.                                              lunch destinations such as Jerusalem Creek, Alexandra or back
                                                             to Marysville.

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