Page 33 - Riding On Autumn 2022
P. 33

80’s. The entertainment was so great that it attracted Trent
         Dining and Entertainment                              &URDG  H[ +DZWKRUQ $)/ SOD\HU  DQG .DWH -HVDXOHQNR  GDXJKWHU
                                                               of ex Carlton player Alex) into the kitchen facility to enjoy the
         All members had an opportunity to meet and greet at the Friday   music.
         night dinner in The Duck Inn Marysville. The Pub managed to
         YHU\ H໥FLHQWO\ FDWHU IRU    RI RXU PHPEHUV LQGRRUV DQG RXW RI   Overall, despite really bad weather and impact of COVID
         the nasty weather. The dinners were pre-booked and all were   restrictions, the Yarra Ranges Group managed to put on a great
         delivered quickly and to all accounts members were delighted   social event that all attendees seemed to enjoy. Hopefully next
         with the food and service.                            year the weather gods are in our favour and COVID beaten and
                                                               the event can be even bigger and better.
         Rally participants were treated to a wonderful BBQ breakfast
         on the Saturday morning cooked by the committee in the new   Roger Petrucci, Treasurer, Yarra Ranges Ulysses Group.
         Cockatoos also came over to share breakfast with the members.

         Saturday night dinner was originally intended to be held at   “Despite the weather for the
         Elevation 423 Bar & Café, however, due to COVID restrictions   weekend being the coldest
         the restaurant could only host 11 people. As we had 72 people
         booked for dinner, dining in the restaurant was not possible and  in 167 years for November
         instead we asked Elevation Café to cater for us at the caravan
         park kitchen facility. Again, the group had a fabulous meal with   with heavy rain and possible
         lots of left overs shared with other caravan park patrons.
                                                               snow forecast, more than 80
         )ROORZLQJ GLQQHU  3HWHU 5RVV DQG *DYLQ 0DUWLQ  $.$ 6QDNH    participants turned up mostly
         entertained the group with a Trivia Quiz with the winner of each
         question winning a jelly snake. Following the Trivia Quiz Elaine   by car with a few fearless
         Probst entertained our group with her delightful singing voice
         to the accompaniment of Gavin with music from 60’s, 70’s and   Ulyssians riding.”

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