Page 13 - Sound Rides June 2022
P. 13

Freo Friday the last installment! by D. Alan Petersen
                 I was vaguely aware of Zac casually pulling out his mobile to film all the action, probably to

      bolster his Facebook likes tally, but had barely made two steps towards the brawl when Arturo shot
      forward from his collision with Shorty to head-butt one of the marble topped tables, ending up
      sprawled across the floor. The manbag was thrown within easy reach of me tempting me to snatch
      the incriminating evidence.
             Shorty sussed my intentions but was for a split second slowed by whether to help Arturo or
      rescue the bag. His mind was made up by another type of bag, Tristan’s owner, who stood up
      shrieking at both of them for harming her baby. Shorty ignored her and started towards the bag only
      to receive a well-timed blow from a handbag that must have been lined with bricks because it sent
      him flying to bang his head on a table and end up twitching on the floor with his boss. The old girl
      waddled forward, navigated around the groaning forms of the underworld’s finest, plucked up her pet
      from Arturo’s ravaged trouser leg, then headed for the exit, giving the prostrate pair a kick and glaring
      at me and Zac for just being there.
      Blue flashing lights and the screech of tyres announced the end of the ordeal.

             I picked up Arturo’s bag for safe keeping and in due course handed
      it over to McKlintock when he and the crew arrived to convince Arturo and
      Shorty to, help them with their enquiries back at the station.

             Naturally I had to go along to give my story and poor Zac had to
      hand over his phone, as evidence, and is probably suffering a severe bout
      of mobile phone deficiency syndrome.
             Me; after being stuck at Freo  Police Station most of the day I’m
      finally back in our flat waiting for Julie to get back. The only thing left of
      the day is staring at the walls and mulling over the vexing task of finding
      a quieter café to enjoy future days off.

             The day’s events have definitely put an early cuppa in Gino’s off
      the menu!

      Want to read more of Alan's efforts? You can contact him by email at or
      read his debut novel Tarkine Mist available for loan from our local libraries or for sale
      online using this search line: D. Alan Petersen Tarkine Mist.

                                                 Creative kids!

                             Some great ideas for next time you

                              pick someone up from the airport.

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