Page 15 - Sound Rides June 2022
P. 15


                                                              What’s the difference
            Sign on lawyers door                              between a book and a
                                                              You can shut a book up
                                                              but you can’t shut a
                                                              teacher up.

                                                              Why is the white guy the scariest guy in prison?
                                                              Because you know he is actually guilty.

                                                                                           Daughter: “Mom, how
                                                                                           is it to have the worlds
                                                                                           best daughter?
                                                                                           Mom: “I don’t know,
                                                                                           honey, you have to ask
                                                                                           your grandmother!”

                                                              My wife of 60 years
                                                              told me, “Let’s go
                                                              upstairs and make
      An American tourist asked his Australian friend         love.”
                                                              I just sighed and said,
      “where in Australia there ISN'T something trying to     “Choose one, I can’t do
      kill you.”                                              both.”
      “School” was his answer.

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