Page 3 - NLH Newsletter May 2022
P. 3

Presidents                                        what  discussions  were  had  around  the  issues  of
                                                                privacy  and  what  had  been  explored  to  help
                                                                branches with this issue. It should be noted that at
                   Report                                       the  Extended  NATCOM  meeting  on  Friday

                                                                discussion  was  cut  short  on  the  resolution  with  a
    Time fly’s by far to quickly, I calculate that this is my   statement  that  there  would  be  plenty  of  time  and
    24  plus report and my enthusiasm for the ongoing           opportunities for discussion on this at the AGM.
    success  of  the  Branch  is  as  strong  as  ever.         After the rally Colleen and I took the opportunity to
    Congratulations  to  our  new  committee  who  were         extend  our  trip  further  north  into  Central
    elected at our March AGM meeting. The makeup of             Queensland  and  had  several  enjoyable  days
    the  committee  is  President  –  Mike  Abberfield,         exploring Carnarvon Gorge. If you have not visited
    Secretary – John Lind,  Treasurer  – Mark Thomas            this area, put it on your travel list it is well worth the
    and  Committee  –  Ken  Taylor,  Mark  Paynter  and         trip.
    Ken George.                                                 Whilst  some  of  us  were  away  on  our  rally

     It  was  certainly  a  pleasure  to  attend  the  Ulysses   adventures some of our committee members were
    Rally  and  AGM  in  Warwick  in  April,  not  huge         at home organising several rides and events. I got
    number  of  attendees  but  the  week-long  activities      home in time to enjoy a coffee morning at Fighter
    were  none  the  less  enjoyable.  Congratulations  to      Bean Café at Williamtown.
    our  members  who  attended  as  we  were  well             We will return to the normal Social Meetings from
    represented  number  wise.  The  on-site  camping           this  month  with  dinner  and  meeting  at  Wallsend
    group were the centre of any of our members visits          Diggers  Sports  Club  on  Saturday  14   of  May
    to site and there were many a good night held over          commencing  at  6PM  for  dinner  and  7PM  for  the
    the  week.  A  big  thank  you  to  the  Warwick            meeting.
    organising  committee  for  putting  on  such  a  great     Our next big event is our Christmas in July at North
    event under trying conditions with the wet weather          Haven on 15  to 17  July, if you have not booked
    that they had to contend with. The Thursday night           get in quick as rooms are filling up fast.
    meet and greet and the Saturday night dinner were           Keep healthy and safe.        Mike Abberfield #8158
    well attended and were the chance to catch up on
    members that  we had not seen for several years.
    Perhaps  the  highlight  was  the  Saturday  morning
    Grand  Parade  down  the  main  street  of  Warwick
    which  had  a  large  number  of  motorcycles

    participating in it.
    The good news is that next year the Rally and AGM                          Happy birthday to-
    will be held in Lismore, with all of the devastation
    Lismore  has  suffered  with  two  large  flood  events
    they  will  be  looking  forward  to  welcoming  the
    Ulysses  Club  into  their  City  and  help  build  their
    business and economy back to a reasonable level.
    Let’s help with this recovery and start to plan for this
    event in May 2023.                                            Happy Wedding Anniversary to the
    I must say I was very disappointed with the AGM               following members and their partners-
    meeting, there were a lot of technical problems and
    when the Special Resolution was moved there was
    only 3 speakers on the resolution before a motion
    was  moved  to  put  the  motion.  This  stifled  many
    speakers  from  having  their  views  heard  and  the
    opportunity  for  the  National  Committee  to  explain

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