Page 3 - December Exhaust Notes
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Dec 2021 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 308                  

                   Social Meeting

                                         GEELONG BRANCH ULYSSES CLUB INC.

                                   NOVEMBER 2021 NOTES FROM SOCIAL MEETING.

           Meeting held at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel on 17 November 2021, commencing at 7:05 pm.
           15 members and 1 guest in attendance with 2 apologies, per the attendance book.
           Meeting was chaired by Ron Howell - President.

           New Members:
           Russell Rankin - been riding since 1981, rides a Triumph Bonneville.

           Kylie and Sally.

           New Machinery:
           G. Aitken - BMW F800ST.
           R. Howell - Triumph Tiger 1200.

           Special Occasions:

           President’s Report:
           WE ARE BACK !!!!    Sort of.

           I am happy to announce that we will be having a Social Meeting on Wed 17
           November, starting at 7:00 pm.  Meals will be available from 5:45 for those that want
           an early start. Meeting and meals will be had in the “Back Room” where we can spread
           out.  This will happen at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel, for all of you members with
           short memory loss.
           Mark has been busy working out rides to finish off 2021 and to bring in 2022, so please
           show your support and attend the rides that people have organised for YOU ! It is
           disappointing when only 2 other people plus the Ride Leader turn up for a regular
           monthly ride.

           The Committee will be distributing Club Person of the Year nomination slips shortly, so
           please take 2 minutes to complete a nomination for a member that you believe has put
           in more for the Branch than most over the past 12 months.

           All Committee positions will become vacant at the February AGM. Please consider
           standing for a Committee position, as I know of a couple of existing Committee
           members that are stepping down this year.

           We will be having a guest speaker at the December 15  Meeting, you will need to
           attend this months meeting to find out who it will be!

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