Page 14 - Sound Rides March 2022
P. 14
TAFF’S TIPS For the Laundry
Dealing with ink stains? Those can be some If you have grease stains, try rubbing on
of the worst! If you have some hairspray or them with chalk. This is a great little trick.
hand sanitizer, you have an awesome The powdery chalk will absorb the grease
stain-fighting weapon on your hands. Just with ease. Baby powder also works for the
spray either one onto the ink stain, wait for same reason. That powdery texture just
ten minutes, and then throw it in the wash. draws that grease right out of your fabric.
What about grass stains? Use one tablespoon
of dish soap and two tablespoons of hydrogen Sweat stains are another annoying
peroxide. Rub the mixture into the stain and problem, but thankfully there are a lot of
you should be able to work it out. different approaches you can use to
remove them. You can try lemon juice and
table salt, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,
baking soda, or white vinegar. Two
stranger hacks which might surprise you
are meat tenderizer and aspirin.
Regularly clean out your washing machine.
Why? If you use a lot of detergent, you are
going to get a build up of soap scum over
time. This stuff can get into your pipes. Run
an empty cycle now and again with just a cup
of white vinegar. This will help to remove
soapy residue from your pipes.
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