Page 16 - Sound Rides March 2022
P. 16
An Australian guy with an crocodile walks into a
bar. He goes up to the bar, sets the crocodile on
the counter and asks for a free drink. Bartender
tells him "Sorry, we don't do free drinks here."
Aussie says "What if I showed you a trick? "
Bartender tells him "It will need to be a really cool
This Corona virus is a blessing. trick if you want to earn a free drink."
My wife doesn't want to travel anywhere. So, the Australian guy pulls out this little club and
She no longer buys taps the crocodile on the head 2 times. The
anything online, since crocodile slowly opens its mouth. Once it stops, the
everything comes Aussie unzips his pants, pulls out his penis and
from China. puts it in the crocodiles mouth. He taps the
she doesn't go to the crocodile twice on the head and it slowly starts
mall to avoid the closing its mouth and stops right before biting the
crowds. penis. The Aussie pauses for effect, taps the
she spends all of her crocodile twice, it opens it's mouth. He puts his
time in a mask with dick away and taps the crocodile again so it shuts
her mouth closed. it's mouth.
Best thing that has As soon as he finishes his trick the whole bar
ever happened in my life. erupts into applause. The bartender says "That
was amazing, you've earned yourself a drink!" and
ScoMo is visiting a remote indigenous village, then proceeds to pour the Aussie a beer.
surrounded by the fawning Murdoch press. He After taking a few sips from his beer the Aussie
speaks to the village elder and asks him how he looks around the bar raises his club and says
can make the locals lives better. "Anybody else wanna give it a try?" A little guy in
"Well," says the elder, "We've got two problems. back slowly raises his hand and says "I'll try.. Just
We have a small health centre, which is amazing, don't hit me on the head too hard!"
but we don't have a doctor."
"No worries!" declares our PM. ScoMo pulls out his
mobile (cell phone) and chats for a few minutes.
"Sorted!" he says. "They'll be a doctor here on
Monday! Now, what's your other problem?"
"We've got no mobile phone coverage..."
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