Page 20 - Riding On Spring
P. 20

Rocky Creek Designs

         cruise control

                                                               My partner, Rose, wanted a Boom
                                                               7ULNH DQG PDQDJHG WR ¿QG D
                                                               model that suited her nicely. Over
                                                               time however, she decided there
                                                               were some omissions in its parts
                                                               register, a cruise control being
                                                               one of the items she desired. The
                                                               FRVW RI ¿WWLQJ D %RRP 7ULNH FUXLVH
                                                               control was similar to that of
                                                               purchasing a small island, so that was ruled out.
                                                               While reading another motorcycle magazine, I came
                                                               across an ad for Rocky Creek Designs, Atlas Throttle
                                                               Lock. It stated that this device was “the most universal
                                                               and intuitive throttle lock ever made. Designed by
                                                               motorcyclists for motorcyclists”. Further, it stated that the
                                                               unit is made of hardened stainless steel.
                                                               The $235 cost seemed reasonable considering the
                                                               reputation of products from Rocky Creek Designs, so,
                                                               I sent an email with a photo of the Trike’s twistgrip
                                                               attached. Janice Jansen was very helpful, making sure
                                                               of the right choice before she advised that a Bottom Kit
                                                               would be the best for the task.
                                                               :KHQ WKH NLW DUULYHG  WKH ¿UVW WKLQJ , QRWLFHG ZDV WKH
                                                               heavy weight of the package. The instructions were very
                                                               detailed with drawings as well as written installation
                                                               steps, they even supplied the Torx tool plus a second,
                                                               spare lock screw. I recommend giving the instructions
                                                               a thorough read, as this will avoid possible installation

                                                               2QFH ¿WWHG RQWR WKH %RRP 7ULNH D ¿UVW WHVW UXQ SURYHG
                                                               that the Atlas Throttle Lock was nearly perfect and only
                                                               needed some minor alterations. The Atlas sits hard
                                                               against the inside end of the twist grip and leaves a
                                                               gap between it and the face of the right switch block.
                                                               The kit comes with a variety of small square adhesive
                                                               blocks, which, require careful selection based on the
                                                               DIRUHPHQWLRQHG JDS  UHDG WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV   7KH DGKHVLYH
                                                               block/blocks are used as a brake by the Atlas when
                                                               deployed, against the inside face of the switch block. The
                                                               RQO\ PRGL¿FDWLRQ \RX PD\ QHHG WR H໤HFW LV WR URXJKHQ
                                                               the surface where the little adhesive block holds to the
                                                               inside switch block face. This will reduce the amount of
                                                               SRVVLEOH µVOLS¶ WKH HQJDJHG $WODV PD\ VX໤HU  KRZHYHU  \RX
                                                               QHHG WR GR D IHZ WHVW UXQV EHIRUH PDNLQJ D ¿QDO GHFLVLRQ
                                                               We are happy with this type of cruise control. It is a
                                                               PHFKDQLFDO GHYLFH VR LW LV YHU\ UHOLDEOH DQG XQD໤HFWHG E\
                                                               moisture or dust like some aftermarket electrical items.
                                                               Once you reach your desired speed, push the upper
                                                               button and the Lock holds the throttle in position. If you
                                                               ¿QG WKDW \RX UHTXLUH PRUH RU OHVV VSHHG  \RX FDQ VLPSO\
                                                               adjust the throttle, the term ‘Lock’ being more descriptive
                                                               than accurate. Pressing the lower button releases the
                                                               throttle back to manual control.
                                                               It’s a very clever device.

                                                               May Your Lid Never Skid,
                                                               Ian Parks #11735

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