Page 15 - Riding On Spring
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quite  familiar atmosphere with seven or eight members. So,   Last,  but  not  least,  those  good  international  relations  have
        LQ WKHVH ¿UVW  \HDUV  XQWLO         D  QXPEHU  RI WUDGLWLRQV  VWLOO   been strengthened by the fact that, over the years, a lot of
        existing  today  had  been  established,  for  example  our   Ulyssians from abroad  have  found accommodation in  Gernot
        Whitsun  meeting  and, as  well,  the  European  gatherings,   and  Wally’s  house  in  Eppelborn. In  spring  2019,  the  two  of
        at  that  time  joined by  Ulyssians  from  Great  Britain  and   them once again made a journey of three months to Australia.
        from  the  Netherlands.  In  addition  to  these  activities,  a
        major  journey  was  organized  once  a year plus day trips at   After 17 years as President, Gernot asked for relief. In regard
        the weekends.                                         to  his  merits  dealing  with establishing  and  afterwards  lead-
                                                              ing  the  Ulysses-Club Germany for  such a  long  period, he was
        As already mentioned above, in November 2011, the Ulyss-  elected  in  unison  honorary  member  by  our  2019  AGM.  We
        es Club Germany entered the register of   associations, since   all  appreciate  his  kindness and his unpretentious manners; in
        then it is an, e.V.·” including everything involved with it (articles   VKRUW  KH¶V D UHDOO\ ¿QH SHUVRQ
        rently, the club is on the brink to counting 100 members,   The managing-committee of the Ulysses-Club Germany e.V.
        most of them living in the Saarland.                  is  very  pleased  being  able  to  nominate    Gernot  Minig  for
                                                              that high distinction represented by Ulysses Club’s Dearnley
        ,W  LV  GH¿QLWHO\  QRW  DQ  RYHUVWDWHPHQW  WR  FDOO  *HUQRW  WKH   medal and hopes that Gernot shall be with the club a good
        moving  spirit  of  the  German  Ulysses  Club.  He  rendered   while longer.
        outstanding  services  to  the   international   Ulysses   commu-
        nity   by networking and maintaining friendly relations  to  the   Regards
        Clubs  in  Australia,  New  Zealand,  South Africa  and  Great
        Britain. During  the  past ten  years, several  new  clubs  have   Hans-Hermann Bohrer
        been  founded in  Europe,  including  Switzerland,  France and     President Ulysses-Club Germany e.V.
        Norway. This gave us  the  opportunity to make new  friends.

        After 17 years as
        President, Gernot
        asked for relief. In
        regard  to  his  mer-
        its  dealing  with
        establishing  and
        afterwards  leading
        the  Ulysses-Club
        Germany for  such a
        long  period, he was
        elected  in  unison
        honorary  member
        by  our  2019  AGM.

                                                                                                   RIDING ON  15
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