Page 16 - Riding On Spring
P. 16

“Working solo
                                                                                     from the office
                                                                                     Linda started the
                                                                                     arduous task of
                                                                                     selling excess
                                                                                     office equipment,
                                                                                     moving boxes up
                                                                                     and down stairs,
                                                                                     packing all the
                                                                                     stock right down
                                                                                     to the office tea
                                                                                     towels. ‘

        On the Move…………..

        With the decline in membership of the Ulysses Club, NatCom   valuable time and help sort through memorabilia and lots of
        GHFLGHG LW ZDV WLPH WR PRYH WKH 1DWLRQDO $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ R໥FH   paperwork, Jen Woods #21395, Jenny Meredith #17134 & Rex
        to smaller alternate premises when the lease at Smeaton   Meredith #25929 spent several weekends sifting through boxes
        Grange expired in mid July 2021.                      of archives and keepsakes.

        In late May 2021 a lease was secured on a smaller boutique of-  Phil Whitton #3437 and John Osborne #41785 spent days
        ¿FH LQ 1DUHOODQ ZKLFK FRXOG DFFRPPRGDWH WKH EXON RI JHDU VKRS   moving back and forth putting shelves up in our new premises
        VWRFN DQG DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ VWD໤     \HDUV RI DFFXPXODWHG UHFRUGV   ready for all our gear shop merchandise.  Phil then volunteered
        and memorabilia had to be found a home; this home turned out   his trucking skills and together with John they got all the mem-
        WR EH D VHFXUH VHOI VWRUDJH XQLW QHDU WKH QHZ R໥FH   :H ZHUH   orabilia and pallets with records into our storage shed.
        fortunate to have some Ulysses Club members volunteer their

        RIDING ON 16
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