Page 12 - Riding On Spring
P. 12

Spring 2021                                     UCARF Report
                                                           e  |
                                                              e  |
  Committee Report                                         m  |  0423 379 848
                                                              m  |  0428 246 175

        “Rheumatoid Arthritis” is a combination of words I do not wish   LQ DQQRXQFLQJ LW HLWKHU DW WKH R໥FLDO $*0 RU LQ WKH ODVW 5LGLQJ
        to be said to anyone. Arthritis is bad enough in its other forms   On. The fact that it is of considerable value is not the reason
        but with the addition of Rheumatoid just makes it that more   for this notation but the why of the donation. A member made
        GHDGO\  +HQFH ZK\ 6WHSKHQ  2OG     WRRN RQ WKH WDVN RI UDLVLQJ   an announcement to his branch that UCARF was running shy of
        funds for research through the Ulysses Club Inc. UCARF is the   funds and he put forward money to be donated on their behalf.
        result! The following is a listing from May to the end of July   $ WRWDOO\ VHOÀHVV JHVWXUH DQG RQH WKDW LV DFNQRZOHGJHG ZLWK WKH
        outlining the generosity of members/branches across this vast   greatest admiration. THANK YOU.
        land of ours and the desire from them to carry on the vision of
        Stephen Dearnley.                                     Outside the above dates I was made aware of a donation of
                                                              $313.00 from members Jackie & Kevin O’Donoghue. It related
        As all would be aware, we Australians have been under   to the cancellation of the RV Groups AGM at Cohuna. Instead of
        pressure as a nation with lockdowns, restrictions and fear of a   a refund, they requested a donation to UCARF. Again, THANK
        haven’t received your Thank you’s and receipts for donations,   The donations received from Ulysses Patch Campaign is a
        LW LV EHFDXVH WKH /DGLHV LQ WKH 2໥FH KDYHQ¶W EHHQ DEOH WR JHW   personal venture by Ken Eaton which is totally supported by
        into it! And when they do, they must prioritise the critical from   the Club. His website is and there is a facebook site
        the really urgent then move onto the really must get it done   as well. Ken gives a great discount to those that purchase in
        categories. As you can imagine, sending a receipt IS important   bulk to sell through their branch as well. There is more to Ken
        but someone’s membership is of more importance! So please   than meets the eye, apart from sitting on our current National
        be understanding and a little patient when things slow down   &RPPLWWHH  KRS RQWR KLV VLWHV DQG KDYH D UHDG RI KLV SUR¿OH DQG
        during these times we are currently going thru.       while you are there, it would be a great time to place an order
        Donations received in no order whatsoever:
                                                              UCARF receives greatly varying values but the one most
        Melbourne Branch $500.00, Brisbane Branch $750.00, Tim   important thing to remember, is that ALL monies received
        Hobson $1000.00, SEQ Odyssey Taroom $2000.00, Orange   are gratefully received and ALL monies help. Please keep on
        $*0 5DOO\ 5D໦HV           1RUWKHUQ %HDFKHV %UDQFK     doing what you can in raising funds by activities like garage
                   -HQ :RRGV          0\VWHU\  2UDQJH 2G\VVH\    VDOH HWF RU ÀLFNLQJ D VSDUH   RU   IURP \RXU UD໦HV WR XV DV LW
        $200.00 + $192.00 + $1068.00, Shearwaters Branch $1000.00,   TXLFNO\ DGGV XS WR D SRZHUIXO DPRXQW WR ¿JKW WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW
        5LFKDUG %RXFKLHU           0LNH $EEHU¿HOG         1HZFDVWOH   Rheumatoid Arthritis.
        Lower Hunter Branch $30.00, David Scott $200.00, Orange
        Branch $1000.00, Northern Gateway Branch $112.70, Wagga   Yours faithfully
        Wagga Branch $1000.00, Ulysses Patch Campaign $250.00.
        The $10,000 donation by Northern Beaches Branch is    Ian ‘Foggy’ Winter
        particularly noteworthy.  It was done at the Orange AGM but
        with the illness of Kim preventing his attendance and my   UC#53026 TM#59
        nervousness of taking over UCARF it was completely missed

         e  |            From The Mess On The Editor’s Desktop

                                 FOR entirely personal reasons, I am standing   My action is made easier by the knowledge that
                                 down from the position of editor of Riding On   I can leave Riding On in the safe hands of Ian
                                 magazine.                                Parkes, #11735.

                                 My occupancy of this honorary position has truly   Ian stepped up to care for the Riding On in
                                 been an honour.                          2015, just before I arrived, and has agreed to
                                                                          do so again.
                                 Indeed, to describe it so can barely match the
                                 pride I always felt when identifying myself and   I remain a proud Ulyssean, whose skills and
                                 my position.                             experience will always be available to Ian and
                                                                          this great club.
                                 Riding On has become an important part of my
                                 life, one I am very proud of.
                                 It has been one of the most enjoyable points in  Gary Warner
                                 my 35 years as a journalist.

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