Page 35 - Riding On Spring
P. 35
The instrumentation is minimal, which suits the bike, so where this bike is king. Even poor road surfaces on short rides
minimal it doesn’t have a fuel gauge. It does come with three were easily accommodated. My smile had returned.
riding modes, Rock, Roll and Rain. For the duration of the test
I kept the bike in rock mode, I didn’t want to go backwards On one of my last short rides I was sitting at an intersection in
on that so cannot comment on the other two modes and to be Kangaroo Valley and a line of bikes turned into my road. It was
honest, you wouldn’t want to ride this bike in the rain. The WKH +' 3DQ $PHULFD SUHVV ODXQFK IRXU RI WKH ELNHV VWXHG XS
proximity key is a neat touch, no more putting your gloves on WKHLU FRUQHU OLQH DV WKHLU ULGHUV FRXOGQ¶W WDNH WKHLU H\HV R WKH
then realising the key is still in your pocket, well it is, but that’s R18.
where it should be. I found the sitting position good, as the Unfortunately for this test ride I returned the bike a few days
seat is so low, my knees were higher than on other cruisers I earlier than planned, as it wasn’t a distance bike, there were
have owned or ridden, perhaps a more comfortable seat would only so many short rides that I could do. Not to be left wanting
help with the rear suspension issue on longer rides.
I dug a bit more into what BMW were planning for this bike.
Over the next few days I did a few short rides. There was a Apparently, BMW are addressing the rear suspension and if
smiley moment. I dropped over Cambewarra to pick up some you were to be allowed to go to a dealer to window shop you
milk from Bomaderry Woolies, the bike just ate the mountain may see the new iteration of this bike and cruise control will be
bends. I parked the bike, did my shop and returning to the included going forward, I didn’t miss it though. Rather than
bike it had attracted two mature lads who were drinking in MXVW KDYH WKH EDVLF +HULWDJH PRGHO \RX FDQ FRQ¿JXUH D QXPEHU
its looks. They peppered me with questions for the next hour. of options to this bike including a higher seat! As such quoting
:KHQ ZH KDG ¿QLVKHG FKDWWLQJ DERXW WKH ELNH RQH ZDV D %0: the price for this bike would be irrelevant. For such a beautiful
RT rider, given the car park was largely empty I mooched the machine I would avoid adding a screen though, naked is good.
bike to an empty space and did a few full lock, feet up, circles. 6R WKH ¿QDO TXHVWLRQ ZRXOG , EX\ WKH 5 " ,I , KDG WKH JDUDJH
The balance is so good.
space for another bike and I lived in a more metropolitan area
, WRRN R IRU WKH URDG SDVW 6HYHQ 0LOH %HDFK DQG E\ WKH WLPH it would be a conditional yes, if the suspension was improved or
I reached Gerroa I was hating that suspension. I decided to perhaps if I lost a few kilos!
shorten the ride and return via the freeway, I couldn’t face Mark ‘Avachat’ Price #63342
going back via Kangaroo Valley Road from Berry, a renowned
poor road surface.
I had planned a full day ride to Oberon but decided it would
be foolhardy on this bike so just kept the rides short. That is
“I mooched the
bike to an empty
space and did a
few full lock, feet
up, circles. The
balance is so