Page 39 - Riding On Spring
P. 39

SE Qld Working Bee - Somerset

                                                               $XJXVW   QG VDZ EUDQFKHV IURP 6( 4OG KHDG R໤ WR 6RPHUVHW
                                                               Dam for a Working Bee to ensure the Memorial Gardens are all
       30 Year Membership awards                               neat and tidy in preparation for September’s Memorial Ride.
       presented                                               Ipswich Branch are donating a bench for the Gardens in memory
                                                               of Konrad Walters, founding member of the Branch. Somerset
       The Ulysses Club Inc Hobart branch had some special     Memorial Garden Committee are matching the donation, so
       invited guests for the monthly dinner on Friday 27th    Ipswich were tasked with putting in two concrete pads to place
       August.                                                 the benches on.
       Held at the Tasmania Golf Club. the evening was         On arriving at the Spit, we found that the clean up of the
       very memorable for the recipients of the ’30 Years of   gardens was in full swing, so we caught up with Ray Parker who
       Membership’ awards and friends present.                 had already marked out the position of the pads and we got to
                                                               work. Once the holes were dug, Ray and a few helpers mixed
       All the recipients were members when we had just one    the concrete, whilst myself and a couple of Branch members
       Tasmanian Branch of the Ulysses Club; our Hobart branch   spread the mix out over the site, levelled it out and made sure
       was sanctioned in January 1990                          it was all neat. All in all, we were at the Dam for about 3 hours,
                                                               all went well except one incident where Sharon was ‘mooned’ by
       Badges were presented by Betty Parssey, Hobart          Glen while she was taking photo’s unfortunately Ross was way
       %UDQFK 6HFUHWDU\   0HPEHUVKLS 2໥FHU WR WKH IROORZLQJ    too close to Glen at the time and copped an eyeful!
                                                               Thanks to Brenda, Andrew, Scott, Sue, Ross, Sharon and Glen, a
       Louise Gaborit #2007 November 1988                      job well done. Many thanks also to Ray and the guys for mixing
       Bruce Eyers #2883 July 1990                             concrete and to all the people clearing the gardens, it really
       Dennis Davis #3197 February 1991                        looks good now.
       John Rapley #3450 May 1991
       Lance Jacques #3588 September 1991                       We hope to have the benches in by the time of the Memorial
                                                               Ride but that may be a long shot due to delivery times.
       Pictured from left to right are John Rapley, Louise
       Gaborit, Bruce Eyers, Dennis Davis, Lance Jacques.      Peter Jones #66352

       Betty Parssey #10640 DM #48                             3LFWXUHG IURP OHIW DUH 6FRWW 6RPHUYLOOH  JXHVW    6XH -RQHV
       Secretary Ulysses Club Inc Hobart Branch                #66390, Sharon Pearson #70121, Brenda Riek #68109, Ross
                                                               Schmidt #42607, Andrew Riek #69127, Glen Oliver#69961.

        ,W¶V R໥FLDO ± QR *ROGHQ 'UDJRQ                        involved and uncertainty of COVID.  We reluctantly moved a
                                                              motion cancelling the rally for 2021.
        in 2021
                                                              As we used outlets such as VIB and ‘Riding On’ to promote the
        As recently as our last edition, hopes were still high but Central   UDOO\  ZKHQ ZH ZHUH GHDOLQJ ZLWK D PDQDJHPHQW FRPPLWWHH
        Victoria Branch treasurer Bruce Jones had the onerous task of   I am writing to ask that you use channels available to advise
        breaking the news;                                    Ulyssians the rally will not proceed.

        We recently held a meeting of the Golden Dragon Rally   There are some who have prepaid and I will need their details
        FRPPLWWHH  FDOOHG LQ UHVSRQVH WR WKH /RGGRQ 6KLUH E\ODZV R໥FHU   to refund their payments.  They can email me at treasurer@
        sending an email with a list of ‘requirements’ necessary for the with their banking details so I can do so.
        planned rally at Inglewood.
                                                              Cheers (and sadly),
        In short, compliance with the Shire’s would have quadrupled   Bruce Jones #50478
        costs of the rally conservatively, leaving no way we could run it   Central Victoria Branch Treasurer - 0413 670 125
        without wiping out our bank account. Not to mention the time

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