Page 43 - Riding On Spring
P. 43

Ridden On

                                                         Robert (Toddy) Todd

                                                         10/08/1939 - 17/06/2021
                                                         Sadly, we had to say farewell to a
                                                         dear friend and great club man in
                                                         5REHUW  7RGG\  7RGG

                                                         Toddy passed away suddenly and
                                                         unexpectedly on the 17th June.
                                                         Joining the Ulysses club in 2000,
                                                         Toddy was always a tireless
                                                         worker for the branch, serving
                                                         in several committee positions
                                                         including President.

                                                         Attending many National AGM
            Mick Skehan #53287
                                                         Events gave him the taste of the
            22/07/1950 – 29/01/2021                      big event taking on the lead for
                                                         the 2009 SA Odyssey and the
            $ ¿JKWHU WR WKH HQG                          Coordinator role for the grand parade at the 2018 Riverland AGM.
            The Joondalup Ulysses Branch have lost a great   At a branch level Toddy was always the chief organiser and cook at our
            friend and colleague of 12 years with the passing   BBQs and his famous Damper days at his place were always popular and
            RI 0LFN LQ ODWH -DQXDU\ DIWHU ORVLQJ KLV RQ DQG R໤   his fund raising for the Toy and Tucker Run will be hard to match, he was
            ¿JKW ZLWK FDQFHU                             DOZD\V ¿UVW LQ OLQH WR KHOS RXW ZKHUH HYHU QHHGHG
            Mick was a stalwart of the branch, even during   Toddy was a great club man and will be missed by his Ulysses family.
            that battle, attending Sunday rides, meetings,
            social events and planning motorcycle and travel   Scott Crockett #60196
            adventures with his wife Zai.
                                                         On behalf of the
            Joining the Joondalup Branch in January 2009,
            Mick combined his passion for motorbikes, cars   Mallee Branch Ulysses Club Inc
            and travel after a distinguished career in the
            Australian Airforce, which he joined as a young
            man in the late sixties.  With the RAAF, Mick saw
            service with Squadron’s around Australia and
            Butterworth, Malaysia. He retired in 1993 from
            25 Squadron Peace. The respect he had was
            the hospital where he spent his last days.   Harry Jackson #67952.

            After settling in Perth with Zai and family, Mick   Small in stature, but big in personality, Harry was a popular member in
            combined a successful working career along   our branch, sitting on board his striking yellow Boom trike on many of
            with a passion for travel and adventure with Zai   our rides.
            which saw over the years a fantastic itinerary of
            cruising and visiting to many places throughout   Harry enjoyed looking after and adopting stray wildlife, including “Max”
            the world, including many motorcycle tours   his dog that never left his side.  He held various jobs including a race
            through America, Europe and Asia. A spread   horse jockey and 30 years with Hamersley Iron. Harry was a loving
            sheet for planning in detail the next adventure   husband to Elizabeth and was the youngest brother of 13 siblings. He
            was always at the ready as was knowable advice   battled cancer for three years and went into remission for one year,
                                                         EXW XQIRUWXQDWHO\ LW FDPH EDFN ZLWK D YHQJHDQFH  ¿QDOO\ WDNLQJ KLP
            and help for anyone who asked.
                                                         on 25th June 2021. He joined the Ulysses Club in 2018 and rode with
            Joondalup members enjoyed many long distance   branches, Warnbro Sound Wanderers and Mandurah Murray. I will
            rides with Mike on his meticulously prepared   always remember the time I was marking a corner,  Harry gave his
            ST-1300 with camper trailer, travelling to   trike a big handful before getting sideways in some gravel, something
            weekends away, odysseys and AGMs throughout   we laughed about later when he had regained his composure.
            the country, always enjoying his keen sense   :H ZLOO PLVV KLP RQ RXU ULGHV DQG DW :HGQHVGD\ FR໤HH
            of humour, companionship and storytelling,
            something the Joondalup Branch will miss.
                                                         Chris Glover #25012 Secretary, Warnbro Sound Wanderers
            Love and sympathy to Zai and family, it was a
            privilege to have known Mick.
            Joondalup Ulysses Branch members

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