Page 36 - Riding On Spring
P. 36

7KHUH DUH PDQ\ GL໤HUHQW $PHULFDQ EDVHG PRWRUF\FOH EUDQGV    Production of these motorcycles exceeded 500 bikes a year at
        The history of Indian Motorcycle Company dates back to the   this time and continued to rise to more than 30,000 by 1913.
        HDUO\     V  ,W ZDV R໥FLDOO\ IRXQGHG LQ      E\ *HRUJH 0   The engines in the Single model were designed by the Aurora
        Hendee and Carl Oscar Hedstrom. Originally based out of   Firm of Illinois. Up until this point, the brand was seeing great
        6SULQJ¿HOG  0DVVDFKXVHWWV  WKH FRPSDQ\ QRZ KDV RSHUDWLRQV LQ   success with its product and the public was taking notice. In
        Iowa and Minnesota.                                   1905, the motorcycle brand produced its debut V-Twin factory
                                                              racer. Their products were well-known for being part of racing
        The company was started in 1897 under the name Hendee   and record breaking scores.
        Manufacturing Company. It was the bicycle-manufacturing
        project of George M Hendee. The products were initially given   This manufacturer saw its greatest success during the 1910s.
        the badge of Silver Queen or Silver King but was quickly   At that time, it was the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the
        switched to American Indian and later reduced to just Indian.   ZRUOG  ,Q IDFW  LW ZDV WKLV IDFWRU\ WHDP WKDW HDUQHG WKH ¿UVW
        Hendee adopted this branding in 1898 because he felt that it   three places in the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy in 1911. The
        improved recognition in export markets. Carl Hedstrom teamed   most popular models were the Scout, manufactured between
        up with Hendee in 1900.                               1920 and 1946, as well as the Chief, manufactured from 1922
                                                              to 1953.
        The modern re-working of the classic Indian Scout
                                                              One of the most famous riders associated with this brand was
        Both of the men were former bike racers and manufacturers,   Erwin Baker, also known as Cannonball. He set many long-
        so it was no surprise that they decided to work together   distance records in his time and rode this bike across the
        to produce a motorcycle designed with a 1.75 bph, one-  United States, from California to New York, in just over 11 days.
        cylinder engine. The bike was successfully made and Hendee   His main bike became the Powerplus model, which debuted
        VDZ VDOHV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LQFUHDVH RYHU WKH QH[W GHFDGH  ,Q   in 1916. This was a successful bike, as a racer and roadster.
        1901, the founding year of this company, one prototype   It was available up until 1924, with few changes made to the
        and two production units of the Single bike were designed,   overall design over the years.
        of Indian motorcycles were sold to the public. These designs   Racing competitions were a major part of the success of this
        featured a streamlined style and chain drives. Indian is known   brand. This is, in part, how it became a well-known brand. The
        for its signature deep red color, which was introduced with a   public saw many of their favorite racers on these bikes. Not
        batch of bikes in 1904.                               surprisingly, they wanted their own and so sales increased.

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