Page 43 - RidingOnSummer
P. 43

Ridden On

                                                                            John Watts – ‘Wattsy’ – #4984
                                                                            26/7/1942 To 1/8/2020
                                                                            John was a great fellow who loved rallies and
                                                                            some good yarns. He had a wicked sense of
                                                                            humour and was always telling jokes. John
                                                                            lived for riding and had quite a lot of bikes
                                                                            through the years. The Wintersun Rally held
                                                                            in Mildura was his favourite event. John had
                                                                            an infectious laugh that made him special and
                                                                            much loved by many. John has passed after
                                                                            a long illness and will be sadly missed by the
                                                                            Club and the local community. Rest in peace
                                                                            mate and keep laughing.

        Brian ‘‘Hollywood’’ Parsons,
        Member #6203                                                    Karl Fritsch #50845
        Brian, known as ‘‘Hollywood’’ passed                            Karl passed away on 14th February 2021 after losing
        away on 22nd September 2020 at home                             his battle with cancer. Karl was born in Germany on
        in the arms of his loving wife Sue. He                          8th April 1953 and moved with his family to Adelaide
        was 68 years young.                                             when he was 5 years of age. Learning to ride with
                                                                        his mates in Adelaide, Karl studied Architecture. He
        In 1968 ‘‘Hollywood’’ bobbed up on his                          married Karen and moved to Broken Hill to take up a
        175 Honda and started to hang around                            SDUWQHUVKLS LQ DQ $UFKLWHFWXUH ¿UP
        with the local bike boys, he did this for
        almost the remainder of his life. He was                        He restored an old Yamaha and became a member
        President of our Broken Hill Branch for                         of the Broken Hill Ulysses Club. He loved Sunday
        some years, and enjoyed everything he                           PRUQLQJ ULGHV HYHQ XQGHU GL໥FXOWLHV RI QRW EHLQJ
        did and always put in 100%. He loved                            able to stand too long. In 2010, whilst in remission,
        singalongs, bike trips to Mildura, and was                      he rode across USA with a group of mates. Karl
        well known in Mildura for his wonderful   attended many Ulysses AGM’s. In later years, he lowered his standards to riding
        ditties and partying at The Hovel.    his Harley because the lower body and leg positioning allowed him to be more
        Brian married Sue and they had 4
        lovely children. He became addicted to   In his career as an Architect, he did a lot of charitable work, especially with sporting
        speedway. Over the next 45 years he   groups. Karl leaves his wife Karen and daughters Elke and Danielle. Both Karl’s
        travelled the world, starting with Peter   daughters and their families live in Perth and he had planned to ride over to attend
        White’s tour in 1974. In 1975 he became   the AGM before it was cancelled in 2020.
        Phil Crump’s sidekick as well as Billy
        Sanders’ mate.

        He met everyone in the speedway game   Dean Ivor Earle  #39318
        in Europe, Scandinavia, UK, USA and   30/2/1952 – 29/8/2021
        New Zealand. The late Ivan Mauger was
        “God” to ‘Hollywood’ and their friendship   Lost suddenly following a medical event,
        lasted until Ivan passed away. Phil   Dean had been a member of Ulysses
        Crump was also a life-long friend. Brian   (Adelaide Branch) since 2005 and was a
        was responsible for helping riders from   regular Sunday Rider on his beloved Triumph
        overseas to come to Australia and ride at   America.
        the then new Broken Hill Speedway. Ivan
        Mauger’s 30-year world tour was held in   One of life’s true gentlemen, always with a
        Broken Hill in 1984 thanks to ‘Hollywood’.   bright smile and trademark scarf (he must
        He also worked for Ivan during the 80’s   have had a whole wardrobe of them).
        and 90’s with his Longtrack series around   Dean hardly missed a Sunday Ride Day and we understand he was a regular rider
        Australia. Brian did slow down a bit in the   with the SA Triumph Riders club as well, so very well liked and respected in the South
        last 10 years, due to a bout of cancer and   Aussie Motorcycle fraternity.
        heart problems. He still rode his beloved
        Triumph and Honda every day.          A loving Husband, Father and Grandfather, Dean will be sorely missed by his Brothers
                                              and Sisters of the SA Ulysses community generally.  And particularly at the Adelaide
        He left his beautiful wife Sue, and 4   Branch, who were pleased to provide a scarved motorcycle escort for the family from
        children – Catherine, Rebecca, Joel and   funeral parlour to wake.
        Phil as well as numerous grandchildren.
        He had a life well lived and those that   Our condolences go out this wife, Danuta, and his family.
        new ‘Hollywood’ well, loved him.
                                              Ulysses Club, Adelaide Branch.
        Thanks goes to Billy Keenan for his
        assistance in this story.

        You are missed ‘Hollywood’.

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