Page 45 - RidingOnSummer
P. 45

Ridden On

        Ian Alec Holding. #54638                              this great country.
        25/01/1950 – 24/09/2021
                                                              Riding with Mornington
        It’s with great sadness we advise members and friends of   Wanderers, FarRidersalong
        Ulysses, that we have lost a very dear friend, Ian Holding, “a   ZLWK WKH 0LV¿WV LQ
        true gentleman”, a sentiment echoed by all who knew him. Ian   Cheltenham, Ian completed
        was a great man to have around. While involved with other   dozens of FarRides, tours
        clubs, he was a regular participant on our weekend rides.  throughout the Victorian
                                                              high-country, 3 x tours of
        Ian passed away at home surrounded by his loved ones, after a   Tasmania and 1 x tour of
        short battle with cancer.                             Europe – Over 180,000
                                                              kilometres travelled on a
        An avid sailor, Ian joined Black Rock Yacht club aged 12, later   motorbike since 2002.
        joining Sandringham Yacht Club where he was a member
        for 54 years. Ian competed in 3 Sydney – Hobart Races, 5 x   He enjoyed the riding and
        Melbourne – Hobart’s plus various other Ocean races along the   the camaraderie that came with it. Always up for a chat, always
        coast.                                                had time for you, and always made you feel included. He had
                                                              many loves, but foremost was his family. Wife Julie, married for
        A keen Motorsport fan, racing go karts with sons Kris and   40 years. Children, Jodie, Kris, Tahlia and Robert. “Oppy/Poppy”
        Robert. He campaigned a Commodore in the Commodore Cup   to 8 grandkids, of whom he was extremely proud.
        Victorian state series, including Bathurst race meetings ’96, ’97
        & ’99. He loved watching V8 supercar events. Later in life, he   $ WUXH JHQWOHPDQ ZKR HQMR\HG DOO WKDW OLIH KDG WR R໤HU  DOZD\V
        travelled Victoria for weekends away with son Robert watching   smiling and full of excitement about whatever he was doing.
        him race. Through Robert’s childhood, he and Ian attended 11
        Bathurst 1000’s as spectators.                        A respected, vibrant and loved man that will be dearly missed –
                                                              he lives on in our memories.
        Ian came to bikes later in life. First a Bergman scooter when
        he joined Mornington Wanderers June 2009. He progressed   Phil Matthews #25941
        through a couple of bikes from V-Stroms to his beloved
        BMW1600. Ian was an avid touring rider, getting out to explore

                                           Michael Stuart     togethers. Riding for days across the Top End of Australia in
                                           Graham, #4619      scorching high 30 degrees, during the hottest months, while
                                                              listening to his beloved Classical music, especially Mozart, was
                                           Joined 7th August   Heaven for him.
                                           1992, was a
                                           founding member    Michael rode motor bikes for more than 60 years, owning
                                           of The Darwin Top   many, but his greatest and last love was his one owner blue
                                           End Group, serving   and silver 2004 K1200LT BMW, registration MG43. Preparation
                                           as Ride Captain,   began months ahead for his yearly pilgrimage: booking annual
                                           Committee member   leave; prepping his impeccably maintained chariot; updating
                                           and represented the   camping equipment and riding gear. Ride plans were plotted
                                           Northern Territory   VR KH FRXOG ULGH GL໤HUHQW URXWHV LQ SXUVXLW RI VHHLQJ HYHQ PRUH
                                           at numerous AGMs.   of Australia’s outback, although he had travelled most of its
        Beginning in Toowoomba, Qld 1995, Michael, occasionally   bitumen roads countless times. Michael’s enthusiasm for The
        accompanied by wife Majella, was a stalwart of more than 20   Ride never waned.
        AGMs. He loved the Tasmanian meetings and the fantastic    WK 0DUFK       DIWHU       \HDUV ¿JKWLQJ FDQFHU  0LFKDHO 5RGH
        riding experiences on twisty windy roads which he didn’t get
        a lot of, in the Top End. Equally, Michael relished Mainland   On, leaving behind wife Majella, children Loretta and Shane,
        meetings held in grape growing areas as he loved drinking   Daughter-in-law Karen, Grandgirls Annabelle and Emily. Michael
        wines and talking to their creators.                  had been a superb snow skier, swimmer, scuba diver and a
                                                              competent motorbiker. This proud Ulyssian is remembered
        Attending annual meetings sometimes meant riding a thousand   as being a good workmate, neighbour and a friend to many.
        kilometres a day, but that never bothered him. Michael would   Michael is gone but not forgotten..
        be a strong contender for setting a lifetime long-distance
        record, during his endeavours to attend the Australia wide get   Majella Graham #9271

        Mick Hedger #61355 (27/12/1960 – 4/8/21)              who valued his friendship and
                                                              advice on riding matters plus
        Mick passed away all too soon due to illness. He was a keen   KLV KHOS LQ ¿[LQJ SUREOHPV
        participant in the longer rides, particularly the Autumn Alpine /
        Ice Runs, The Snowy Ride plus weekend rides to places such   Condolences to Liz, his
        as Bombala and Tallangatta. He was always ready to lend a   children, grandchildren and
        hand with the organisation of those rides and associated social   family. Mick was a top bloke
        events.  He often brought along a group of friends whom we   and will be missed.
        came to know as his “Harley mates”.
                                                              Roger Foot & John Cook,
        us in his wake as he blasted around the bend and over the
        horizon but was at the same time completely unassuming. A
        big, cheerful and outgoing character, Mick was admired by many

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