Page 46 - RidingOnSummer
P. 46

Ridden On                                             This is one of the saddest sections in the Riding On and if we can be fair to
                                                                everyone we ask that submissions are kept to a maximum of 300 words.

                                    Bernard ‘Nobby’           of owning a Harley Davidson in 1987.From then he had many
                                    Clarke #1736              Harleys, the last one he bought in 2018 being a Tri Glide, or as
                                    24/6/1948 – 24/1/2021     he liked it call it, his mobility scooter!

                                    Nobby died suddenly on    Due to his work and family commitments, he was not able to
                                    24th January this year.   ride as much as he would have liked, a member of the Hornsby
                                                              Branch in New South Wales he always attended the meetings
                                    He served in the Australian   where possible and from the early 1990’s till early 2010’s he
                                    Navy and Air Force Police   made time to attend every AGM taking him all over Australia
                                    EHIRUH ¿QLVKLQJ LQ WKH    which he loved.
                                    AFP (previously Australian
                                    Protective Service), 20 years   In later years he could be seen most nights at Hornsby RSL club
                                    military service and 20 years   for a feed when not in Adelaide to care for his mother.He was
                                    government security.      always happy to have a chat to anyone he came across.
                                    ‘Nobby’ joined the club on   Sorely missed by his family and those who knew him, he will
                                    his 40th birthday in 1988.   not be forgotten.
                                    He had been riding all
                                    manner of bikes since he   Brendan Clarke - Son
                                    was a teenager in Adelaide
                                    DQG ¿QDOO\ JRW KLV GUHDP

                                    Richard  (Dickytator)     destination safely. He was an active committee member and
                                    Inglis.  #38353           became President, a position he held for many years.
                                    1/6/1949 - 21/10/2021
                                                              Richard loved a quick run around the block, up to Gingers Creek
                                    Richard had a life-long   NSW, then Walcha and back home via Gloucester, our weekends
                                    passion for motorcycles and   away on the bikes and the annual pilgrimage to Phillip Island for
                                    anything fast, especially if   the MotoGP or Superbikes, many a tall tale can be told of those
                                    it had a Kawasaki badge,   adventures.
                                    having worked for Kawasaki
                                    Sydney in his younger days   Tragically he lost his wife Jill in a freak motorcycle accident in
                                    preparing the Police bikes   2016 and then battled ill health in the last three years of his life.
                                    and production race bikes of   Richard was known to many in the motorcycle community both
                                    the time.                 locally and nationally.
                                    Richard joined the Forster   We have not only lost our President, but, a very dear friend and
                                    Ulysses Club in 2005 and   mentor to so many of us.
                                    became a driving force for   R.I.P.  Richard
                                    the group, he was always
                                    out front leading rides,   Peter Bentley #45041
                                    marking corners and making   Forster Ulysses
                                    sure we all got to the

                                         Jack Willshere      Jack maintained his friendship with many Branch members and
                                         #59527              ORYHG KDYLQJ IULHQGV DURXQG IRU FR໤HH  +H ORYHG QRWKLQJ PRUH
                                         (17th April 1946    than meeting his group of friends for breakfast at Maccas on a
                                         – 14th November     Saturday morning.
                                                             While not riding much for the last couple of years, he continued
                                                             to own Fat Boys until his passing.
                                         Commenced his
                                         membership with the   Over the last two or three months of his life, his pacemaker /
                                         Yarra Ranges Branch   GH¿EULOODWRU EURXJKW KLP EDFN WR OLIH D FRXSOH RI WLPHV  EXW KH
                                         on the 9th of June   always let it be known that he would not pass on because of
                                         2011.He was a Harley   a car accident and predicted the manner of his passing and
                                         man through and     surprisingly he got it right!!!  RIP Jack.
                                         through and always
        loved and owned Fat Boys.                            Ride on Jack, Ride on.
        He had not visited the branch for the last couple of years due   6WHZDUW :HVW¿HOG
        to many reasons, but the main explanation was his health.    President, Yarra Ranges Branch

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