Page 7 - Riding On Autumn 2023
P. 7
National Vice President’s Report e | National Secretary’s Report
m | 0417 35 5326
Happy New Year, and welcome to The preparations for the National Rally in Lismore are continuing,
the Autumn edition of the Riding and the commemorative merchandise looks great. I am sure that,
On. in many Branches and homes, plans are being formulated for the
trek to Lismore, and what to do/see while in the area. Please take
I am sure that I only just submitted a few extra days to look around the region before you go home. I
the Summer report, yet here I am hope to meet up with many of you in Lismore.
putting together another one, and
wondering where the time between Welcome to Karen Sicilliano, who has joined Linda in the National
has gone. Office part-time. Please, if you ring the office and get the
answering machine, remember to leave your name and phone
Thank you to all the members who number so they can return your call and assist with your query.
write emails or call with questions
and suggestions. This interaction Thank you to Ian Winter (Foggy) #53026, who has stepped down
helps build a bigger, better club, as UCARF coordinator. Ian has done a great job, which is greatly
and provides vital information for appreciated, and has now handed over the reins to Ken Eaton
the National Committee. I must #51189.
admit, I have been a bit slow to respond to some emails, but
please excuse me as, since early December, we have sold our I will not be standing for the National Committee this year, and
house and have been kept busy rehoming (thank you, Facebook have enjoyed my four years on the committee, which opened my
marketplace) much of what we have accumulated over the last eyes to how much the National Committee contributes to this
40 years. I see from monitoring the Classifieds page that this Club. All are volunteering their time, and usually receiving a fair
is happening all throughout the Ulysses Club (selling gear, not amount of criticism from some members. They work hard and
moving). I encourage anyone who has ideas or suggestions to fill in the
nomination form when it’s time for the next National AGM and do
Our next stop will be Western Australia, and we are looking your bit.
forward to warmer weather and milder winters.
See you in Lismore.
Speaking of the Classifieds page, please remember to fill in all the
questions, including your membership number, as this makes it Sharryn Nankervis
easier to approve. If the questions are not completed then your
request will not proceed. #36204
National Secretary
Ken Eaton - 0418 92 5081
Email: UCARF Patch and Badges are available from the Gear Shop.
As I said in my Committee Member’s report, you cannot get The goal of this research will be to evaluate “Is an anti-
rid of me easily, although I was quite apprehensive in taking clotting receptor a potential target for rheumatoid arthritis”?
on the position of UCARF Coordinator, especially in taking When I get my head around it, I will try and explain in the
over from the great legacy left by Ian ‘Foggy’ Winter, and of next Riding On.
course, Kim Kennerson. Ian, unfortunately, has stepped down
due to health reasons, and the position was in line with my The Lismore Rally and AGM will see raffle tickets being sold
UCARF Patch Campaign, so I nervously put up my hand. By for Two general admission tickets, valued at $1000, and
the time you read this, I will have hopefully not created too sponsored by TAC (Transport Accident Commission Victoria)
much mayhem. to the 2023 Australian MotoGP. Tickets are $2.00 each. TedE
is helping me set up “TedE’s Containers for UCARF” at the
We did miss the Summer Edition with a donation report, and I Lismore Rally as a way to raise money. Hopefully, a way
hope I have not missed anyone in this list, which takes us up for Branches and members to recycle their container cash
to the end of December 2022. So Donations from Members through UCARF is up and running by now, as well as being
and Branches are: able to purchase the UCARF Patch and buttons from the Gear
Mike Abberfield $158, Unknown $500
Catch up in Lismore.
Branches: Cartwheel Ride $537.00, Northern Beaches
$2400.00, Tasmania Ulysses RV Group $35.00, Newcastle
Lower Hunter $1500.00, Canberra Branch $5015.00, Macedon
Rangers $462.00, Melbourne Branch $1210.00, Nepean
Branches $1000.00, Westgate Wanderers $250.00, Hobart
Branch $800.90, Dubbo Branch $5000.00, Sponsorship
Hey, that little lot adds up to over $23,234, which is really
fantastic because we have committed a grant of $90,000 for
research by Meilang Xue, Associate Professor, PhD, Director,
Sutton Arthritis Research Laboratory, Kolling Institute. This
will be carried out at the Faculty of Health and Medicine,
University of Sydney at Royal North Shore Hospital.