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 Over seven decades have elapsed since I started as a   &RQWHQWV
 boy to chase after butterflies and shortly afterwards to
 document their biology, phenology & ethology. Hence
 the long list of people and institutions that helped me
 #                 7   About the author & editors                110  Pseudochazara telephassa
 in many different ways and should be acknowledged for       9   Introduction to Vol. III  114  Pseudochazara pelopea
 contributing to the publication of Vol III, the second in     10   Climate change and Butterfly Diversity.   116  Pseudochazara mamurra
 the series on the Levant butterflies. It is also evident that     10   Butterfly conservation in the Levant.    118  Pseudochazara mniszechii
 it is impossible to enumerate everyone who supported     11   The Wider Levant and its Butterflies    119  Pseudochazara lidya
 me along such a long track and I send all these good     12   Acknowledgements  120  Satyrus makmal
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 1 - A | 21-12-22 | 12:22:46 | SR:-- | Magenta
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 1 - A | 21-12-22 | 12:22:46 | SR:-- | Yellow
 “anonymous” souls my deepest appreciation for their     14   How to use the book  121  Satyrus favonius
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 1 - A | 21-12-22 | 12:22:46 | SR:-- | Black
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 help.                                                           122  Satyrus ferula
                                                                 124  Ypthima asterope
 0HQDJHPHQW   PHQWRUV  DQG  PHPEHUV  RI  WKH  ,VUDHOL            128  Proterebia phegea
 0HQDJHPHQW  Eliav Shnei-dor, Moshe Laudon, Inbal Sinai    18  1\PSKDOLGDH   JHQHUD     /LIH F\FOH  130  +HOLFRQLLQDH
 & Ofir Tomer.                                                   130  Issoria lathonia
 5HJLRQDO   *HQHUDO PHQWRUV  Zvika Avni (South), Gadi    26  /LE\WKHLQDH   132  Clossiana euphrosyne
 Ish-Am (North), Alon Toledo (Center), Evyatar Feingold (C    27  Libythea celtis  133  Brenthis daphne
 Negev), Guy Pe’er, Oz Ben-Yehuda, Noam Kirshenbaum.             134  *HQXV Argynnis
 0RQLWRULQJ V\VWHPV         over 250 members in BMS    28  'DQDLQDH  135  Argynnis niobe
 Israel regularly send their records every two weeks from    28   Danaus  chrysippus   136  Argynnis aglaja
 over 200 fix tracks, led by: Racheli Shwarz-Tsachor, Tal    36   Danaus plexippus   137  Argynnis adippe
 Melochna, Leah Benyamini, Achiad Sade, Ilana Erez &             138  Argynnis pandora
 Inbar Ktalav, but also by regional mentors: Shur Antebi,    38  &KDUD[LQDH   140  Argynnis paphia
 Tamar Arazuni, Dudu Ben-Or, Ilit Bloch, Orly Galor, Merav    38   Charaxes hansali
 Hazan, Tally Jacobi, Naomi Margalit, Yiftach Mazar, Eyal    40   Charaxes jasius  142  /LPHQLWLGLQDH
 Mazliah, David Mosco, Itai Namir, Naomi Sivan & Noga            143  Limenitis reducta
 Sporadic monitoring of groups and individuals from all    42  6DW\ULQDH   148 %LELOLGLQDH
 over the country are reported and “deposited” directly    43   Melanitis leda   148 Byblia ilithyia & Byblia anvatara
 into BMS’ portals.    44   Kirinia roxelana
 Photographs are deposited daily in ILS web & Facebook    46   Lasiommata maera   150 1\PSDKDOLQDH
 sites by over 100 photographers (Monitored by: Yaron    48   Lasiommata megera   151  Vanessa cardui
 Mish’an, Moshe Laudon & Shalev Weisman).    50   Pararge aegeria  156  Vanessa atalanta
 All the records are collected and transferred to the BMS    52    Coenonympha arcania   162  Aglais urticae
 data management portal using Israel Pe’er’s (Glucad) IT    54   Coenonympha pamphilus   164  Nymphalis polychloros
 (Information Technology) tools, smartphone applications    55   Coenonympha saadi   166  Nymphalis xanthomelas
 and database. GIS is managed by Ronen Kadmon, Hebrew    56   Hyponephele lycaon (incl. lycaonides)    167  Polygonia c-album
 University Jerusalem.    58   Hyponephele lupinus               168  Polygonia egea
 The influx of the records enriches our knowledge on the    60   Hyponephele wagneri   170  Junonia hierta
 local fauna, moreover, these are excellent tools to alert    62   Maniola jurtina   174  Junonia orithya
 on the appearance of rare migrants or species new to the    64   Maniola telmessia  176  Hypolimnas misippus
 southern Levant and are used by DB across the books    66   Maniola cypricola   178  7ULEH 0HOLWDHLQL
 and are gratefully acknowledged.    68   Maniola megala         182  Melitaea cinxia
 /HSLGRSWHUD UHODWHG  FRUUHVSRQGHQFH  contact with    70   Melanargia titea   184  Melitaea phoebe
 the following experts was essential to obtain the most    74   Melanargia wiskotti   186  0HOLWDHD telona FRPSOH[
 up to date and correct information used across the    76   Melanargia syriaca   188  Melitaea telona
 whole series: Ali Atahan, Moran Avni, Werner Back,    78   Brintesia circe  190  Melitaea klili n. sp.
 Jem Babbington, Zsolt Bálint, Gian Cristoforo Bozano,    80   Chazara briseis   192  Melitaea collina
 Suncana Bradley, Steve Collins, John Coutsis, Wolfgang    82   Chazara persephone   194  Melitaea arduinna levantina n. ssp.
 Eckweiler, Ulf Eitschberger, Gary Feulner, Konrad Fiedler,    86   Hipparchia  198  Melitaea acentria acentria
 Victor (Vic) Hitchings, Brigitte Howarth, Eddie John,    88   Hipparchia fatua   202  Melitaea acentria arabica n. ssp.
 David Jutzeler, Tristan Lafranchis, Torben Larsen, Ronny    92   Hipparchia statilinus   206  Melitaea d. didyma & M. d. libanotica
 Leestmans, Vladimir Lukhtanov, Christodoulos Makris,    94   Hipparchia syriaca   208  Melitaea israela n. sp.
 ;DYLpU   9pURQLTXH 0pULW  =GHQĚN 0UDÿHN  *QWHU 0OOHU     96   Hipparchia senthes   212  Melitaea syriaca
 Lazaros Pamperis, Guy Pe’er, Tony Pittaway, Peter Russell,    98   Hipparchia pellucida   214  Melitaea deserticola
 Sean Ryan, Klaus Schurian, Gianluca Serra, Arthur M.    99   Hipparchia mersina   217  Melitaea athalia
 Shapiro, David Smith, Gerard Talavera, Wolfgang ten-  100  Hipparchia cypriensis
 Hagen, John Tennent, Jeremy Thomas, Tom Tolman, Rudi   102  Hipparchia parisatis
 Verovnik, José Luis Viejo, Roger Vila, Laurent Voisin, Jean-  103  Hipparchia pisidice   218   Glossary & Abbreviations
 Claude Weiss, Martin Wiemers, Mark Williams, Steve   106  Hipparchia tewfiki   220   Systematic List
 Woodhall and Noushig Zarikian - their contributions are   108  Pseudochazara anthelea   222   References and selected Bibliography

 12  © Leah Benyamini
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