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Satyrus ferula  (Fabricius, 1793)                                Great Sooty Satyr  Pseudochazara lidya (Staudinger, 1878) Lydian Tawny Rockbrown

 Mountain species that flies very actively in sparsely   This little known local species is endemic to Turkey.
 wooded, grassy slopes or rocky areas. Males patrol the   Recorded in N Levant in Kilis and Adana provinces, S
 biotope in search of females. The females are mostly   Turkey (Atahan pers. comm. to DB). Flies in open Pinus
 sedentary and spend long time resting in the shade of   nigra and Quercus spp. woodland with sparse grasses
 vegetation, tending to fly for short distance. Mating takes   and dry rocky areas. Adult’s emergence coincide with
 place in the afternoon, soon after eclosing and only   the blooming of  Onopordum spp. its preferred nectar
 seldom afterwards. Adults take nectar from Centaurea,   source. In the morning adults sit with open wings on
 Onopordum and  Thymus spp. (Lafranchis  et al., 2015:   bare ground or rock to warm up. Copulation takes place
 704-705, Hesselbarth et al., 1995(2): 890).   in the afternoon (Hesselbarth et al., 1995(2): 946).
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 8 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Magenta
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 8 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Yellow
 #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 8 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Black
 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 8 - B | 22-01-02 | 12:34:18 | SR:-- | Cyan
                                                                                HJJ  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10  11  12
                                                                        lar v a
 %LRORJ\  %LRORJ\                                                  pupa
 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10  11  12
                       HJJ  1 1 1  2  2  3  3  4  5  6  6  7  7  8  9  91 0  1 1  1  1  1 2  2
 )OLJKW SHULRG  June-July from 800 m to 2000 m in Hatay                 lar v a  )OLJKW SHULRG  June to August, from 850 m to 2200 m
 S Turkey (Atahan  et al., 2018: 89). DB observed it on   (Hesselbarth et al., 1995(2): 946)
      P RQ    -XO\       KLOOWRSSLQJ"  DQG LQ .L]LOGDø 6   /LIH KLVWRU\  univoltine. The egg is white with 20 vertical
 Amanos range at 1550 m on 8 June 2013 and 26 June   ribs. The 1.2 mm – long larva hatches after 11-12 days
 2014 in open black pine forest.  and doesn’t eat the eggshell. It is light brown, with dark
          mid-dorsal brown stripe and a wide, dark brown side
 /LIH KLVWRU\  univoltine. Females prefer small LHP for egg   stripe with black spots below. Overwinters as a young
 laying. Eggs are laid singly on the hostplants leaves. The   larva. The fully grown larva has a wide black unbroken
 egg is 1.4-1.5 mm high and 1.1 mm wide, barrel-shaped   mid-dorsal strip that is segmented in front part. The
 with 12-14 vertical ribs. Hatching time may differ from a   lateral line consists of a wide, somewhat curled band,
 month in rainy areas to 7 months in dry areas. The larvae   made  of alternating dark and lighter, almost rectangular
 gnaw gradually through the eggshell that is thicker (20   spots. The head is brown with dark “V” shape lines.
 microns) compared to other satyrids (6-11 microns).   Pupation is underground, pupa is reddish-brown. Adults
 Young larvae (L1/L2) start diapause in late summer to   eclose after 3-4 weeks (Hesselbarth  et al., 1995(2):
 early winter. In lower altitude the larvae are slow growing   945-946).
 and feed in sunny days. From L3 the larvae feed at
 night. L4-L5 larvae can wander a few meters in search   5HFRUGHG KRVWSODQWV: Poaceae (Gramineae) spp.
 of fresh hostplants. The mature larva has a pale cream
 ground colour with dark stripes across the head capsule                      P. l. obscura
 that extend backwards along the whole body. Pupation   Turkey, Hatay, S Amanus Mts, 1550 m.   'LVWULEXWLRQ
 usually takes place in a subterranean chamber built by
 the fully grown L5. The pupa is glossy brown, formed   7/   ´'RUI  %R]GDø  LP  %R]  'DøODULLµ   3URYLQFH  ù]PLU   :
 bottom up in early spring. The adult ecloses after 24-  Turkey). This species is known only from W & S Turkey.
 30 days. (Hesselbarth et al., 1995(2): 890; Lafranchis et   One ssp. is recorded from the Levant: P.  l.  obscura
 al., 2015: 704-705; SBN, 1987: 247).  (Staudinger, 1878), TL: “Kilikisher Taurus nördlich von
 5HFRUGHG KRVWSODQWV LQ (XURSH  Poaceae (Gramineae) –                                             © Dubi Benyamini
 Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca & Stipa spp. (Tuzov et
 al., 1997(1): 244-245).
 TL: “Italien, [Westalpen, Valdieri]”. Distribution ranges
 from the Pyrenees to S Europe, Turkey, SW Russia and
 E Ukraine eastwards to Kazakhstan, C Asia, Transbaikal
 and W China. The nominotypical ssp. flies in N Levant;
 in S Turkey and N Syria. S. f. ssp. hadjina Heyne, 1895,
 TL: “Hadjin (Kleinasien), Mesopotamien” was described
 from Adana, S Turkey but Hesselbarth et al., (1995) and
 Sbordoni  et al., (2018) treated it as a synonym of the   7XUNH\  $QWDNLD  1XU 'DøODUL 0WV       P
 nominotypical ssp.

                                                    © Ali Atahan                                  © Leah Benyamini
 © Leah Benyamini
 122                                                                                                          119

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