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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                  םייח ץפח רפס
 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara        ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
 Kelal Zayin  -  Halachah 5             ט הכלה -  ז ללכ

 citywide rumoring does not come from only a single violation of an esur    הזב רקשל םדאל דאמ השקו היה רקשש ףוסבל ייולגיאל
 but rather comes repeatedly from multiple violations of esurim; disgusting
 behavior repeatedly observed.  That being so, then the Rambam does not    האנשה ינפמ יכה וליפאו )ב"ע ג"צ( תומביב אתיאדכו
 disagree with Rashi, as we explained Rashi above.   םירעהל ןכ םגו לכה תא תושעל םדאה לכויש ןנישייח
 If this is so, then we can also resolve the apparent contradiction in the    אוביו רומג תמאל ןהירבד ולבקיש ידכ ןמות יפל חיסהלו
 Rambam  regarding  “rebuking,”  that  since  there  were  so  many  rumors
 constantly  circulating  about  this  man,  that  he  did  things  that  were    .וננינעב ח"וק ןודינהל הער הזמ
 detestable to the point where he acquired for himself a reputation for being
 an established Rasha, at that point he no longer is considered to be within    ןנילזא ומות יפל חיסמ אוה םא קפס אוה םאד דוע עדו
 the category of “your fellow Jew” and we have no obligation to rebuke    ו"טסב םש ראובמ ןכ ארמוחל אתיירואד אקיפסד ארמוחל
 him, because the Torah’s imperative to rebuke (Vayikrah 19:17) applies
 only to “your fellow Jew.  (Please see further on [in the 10  Kelal, the 7     םינורחאב ש"יע םש םיקלוחה תעד יפל וליפאו ה"הגהב
 notation] an elaboration of this subject in my explanation of the words    וננינעב ןכ ןיאש המ והיימעטב ש"יע םש אקוד ונייה
 of Rabbeinu Yonah that appear in the Shetah Mekubetzet which resolves
 an apparent contradiction to what he himself wrote in Shaare Teshuvah).      אקיפס  ומות  יפל  חיסמ  אוהש  ררבתנ  אלש  לכ  יאדוב
 Consequently it is also permitted to humiliate this man because the Torah’s   .בלב וליפא ןימאהל ןידה ןמ רוסאו אוה אתיירואד
 admonition against using hurtful language (Vayikrah 25:17) applies only
 to “your fellow Jew.”  But regarding this man who repudiated Hashem’s
 Torah, it is permitted to utterly disgrace him and publicize his detestable    השק טעמכש ןיבי הלא ונירבד תא ארוקה הארי רשאכו
 behavior  and  to  heap  insults  on  him  and  thoroughly  disgrace  him,  as    אוה ןיד יפ לעש טרפבו ,אנידל ומות יפל חיסמ אצמהל
 Rabbeinu Yonah writes in Shaare Teshuvah section #219 (please see that
 reference) and the Hagahah of Choshen Mishpat section #228 also rules    בלב ןימאהל ןינעל וליפא ללכ ינהמ םא םוצעו לודג קפס
 that the prohibition against the use of hurtful and insulting language applies   .הזמ קחרי ושפנ רמושה ןכ לע ןמקלדכו
 only to those people who are G‑d fearing, meaning average Jews.
                    ול חיסה ןושארהש עדוי ימד .'וכו הז רבד האר אל )זי(
 There is yet another reason why we are not required to rebuke this kind of
 person.  That because society is constantly rumoring about this man, and   .ש"יע ז"סב ליעל ומכ ארבסה ראשה לכבו ,ומות יפל
 he repeatedly violates the mitzvot with impugnity, he is within the category
 of people who mock the Torah and we have no obligation to rebuke these    אמק אבבב ש"ממ .'וכו רהזיל שי ןכ םג םוקמ לכמ )חי(
 kinds of people.  As Mishle teaches (9:8) “Do not rebuke a scoffer because
 he will come to hate you.”  Therefore the Rambam allowed us to humiliate    אתיירואד ןינע לכב רשכ ומות יפל חיסמ ןיא )ב"ע ד"יק(
 him and to insult the one who bore him to his face until he changes his    ונא ןיא אתיירואד לכבד אמלא דבלב השא תודעל אלא
 ways to do good.  This is similar to what the Rambam wrote in the 6
 perek of Hilchot De’Aut.   ימנ אכהו ומות יפל חיסמ ידי לע תמאל רבדה ןיטילחמ
 The reason the Maharik in Source #188 [cited in the 6  Kelal in the 30    .אוה אתיירואד ןינע וננינע
 notation  of  the  Be’er  Mayim  Chayim]  did  not  criticize  and  reproach
 members  of  his  community  who  were  oppressing  Reb  Aharon,  who    רב ןועמש 'ר )א"ע ז"ט ףד( ק"ומב ש"ממ תושקהל ןיאו
 was  suspected  by  them  of  committing  an  immoral  act,  by  saying  they    אתתעמש והל אישקו יסרגקו יבתי ווה ארפק רבו יבר
 were wrong because the suspicion was only about a single event, which
 according to what we have said would not be called a “persistent rumor,”    ל"א יבר ךירצ הז רבד ארפק רבל יבר רב ןועמש 'ר ל"א

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