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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס                                                                                                                            12 VOL-3
                                 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                   Kelal Yud  -  Halachah 11                                                               אי הכלה -  י ללכ

                I have the resources to inform on them to the government, am I allowed to                  אבהל  לע  תלעות  אנוה  בר  ירבדמ  אצי  אל  ןאכ
                do so?”  In sending this letter we see that Mar Ukvah did not disclose the
                names of these men even though they were threatening him.  Therefore,                      כ"ג  ותנוכ  התיה  אלו  ,רתוי  ותוא  בונגי  אלש
                we are forced to conclude the law is as I stated it (and one may not use                   ,יאנגה  ומצע  לעמ  תוחדל  קר  ןנברה  והוחיכויש
                Lashon Hara as a defense if there can be no useful result) since nothing
                useful  could  have  come  from  Mar  Ukvah  disclosing  their  identities  to             אוהש ףא רחא לע ר"השל רפסל אמלעב רוסא הזד
                Rebbe Elazar and thus he declined to make that disclosure.  Therefore one                  היארו ,ומצע לעמ יאנג תוחדל קר ותנוכו תמא
                must be extremely careful in this regard.
                                                                                                           ןועמש 'ר היל רמאד )ב"ע ד"סק ףד( ב"במ הזל
                                                                                                           היבתכ אטייח אדוהי היתבתכ אנא ואל יברל יברב
                                                                                                           קר היה ותנווכד ףא הזה ערה ןושלמ ךלכ יבר ל"או
                Similarly  there  is  no  challenge  against  this  statement  of  the  law  using         אנוה ברל רתומ היה ךאיה כ"או ,ומצע תא ליצהל
                as a basis for a question the Gemara Bechorot (30b)  “Rebbe Yehudah
                and Rebbe Yossi had a question regarding a matter of ritual cleanliness \                  תורומזה ותאמ בנוג סיראהש המ םהינפל רפסל
                Taharot and sent two scholars to Rebbe Chaninah Ben Antignos to resolve                    הז םג ולזג דחאש רפסלד םינפב ונטלחהש המ יפל
                the question.  They went to him and posed the question.  While he was
                thinking  about  a  resolution,  Rebbe  Chaninah  Ben  Antignos  asked  his                               .אוה ר"השל ללכב
                students to keep an eye on these two scholars.  The scholars returned to
                Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe Yossi and told them what happened.  Rebbe                          ה"דב שריפ י"שרד 'א ,אישוק וניא הז תמאב לבא
                Yossi answered them and said, “Let their dignity (Rebbe Chaninah Ben
                Antignos and his father) remain in place undisturbed,” etc.                                אוהש םכיניעב דושח וניא יכו ל"זו יל בינג אק אה

                Now, on what basis did these two scholars tell Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe                     ויהש  י"שר  תנווכו  ,וקלחמ  רתוי  הברה  יל  בנוג
                Yossi that their honor was offended, that they were not trusted to observe                 ןיא כ"או בנג אוהש סיראהל ןנברה ותוא ןיריכמ
                Taharot (and it would be very strained to answer these two scholars were
                comparable to agents of the Beit Din and that their report was exempt from                 אהל םישרפמ ונייה םא וליפאו .ר"השל הזב ךייש
                the laws of the esur of Lashon Hara)?  [Answer]  Here too it is possible                   תנוכד ונירבדל אישק אל ה"פא היטשפכ בינג אקד
                to answer that in relating their story they had no intention of demeaning
                Rebbe Chaninah Ben Antignos, that their remarks were made in order to                      אלו ,יאנגה ומצע לעמ תוחדל קר התיה אנוה בר
                achieve a useful outcome.  (There intention was) that Rebbe Yehudah and                    לעמ תוחדל ידכ םתהד ,ל"נה ב"בד איההל ימד

                                                                                                           ויתבתכ אל בישהל יברב ןועמש 'רל היל יוה ומצע
                 2  The  Gemara  Bechorot  (30b)  is  discussing  the  observance  of  the  ritual         יאנגה תא ליטהל ול היה המלו ומצע תא ליצהל
                    cleanliness  of  the  hands  and  other  rules  of  ritual  cleanliness  \  Taharot.
                    Someone who wants to become a Torah Scholar must assure the rabbis that                כ"אשמ ,םש ם"בשר שריפש ומכו אטייח אדוהי לע
                    he will observe all of these rules of Taharot.  Rebbe Yochanan said that this
                    teaching  was  being  taught  during  the  epoch  of  the  son  of  Chaninah  Ben
                    Antignos.  Rebbe Yehudah and Rebbe Yossi had a question regarding this           68  Alternatively (Babba Batra 164b): Rebbe Shimon the son of Rebbe showed
                    matter and sent two scholars to obtain an answer from Rebbe Chaninah Ben             a Shtar Mekushar to his father who commented it was not written properly
                    Antignos.  They found him carrying food that was prepared in an environment          (and he identified Rebbe Yehudah Chayata as the person who wrote it) to
                    of Taharot.  He asked some of his own disciples to sit with them (actually to        which Rebbe responded to Rebbe Shimon, “Stop speaking Lashon Hara.”

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