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Introduction to                                                                     םייח ץפח רפס
                                 Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                               ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                      Aseen - A12                                                                        א הכלה -  א ללכ

             He violated the Aseh of not learning Torah and that learning Torah (each                   ןידה אוה ןכ ,ינש קלח תלחתב ןמקל ה"יא ראבנש
             moment) is an Aseh?
                                                                                                        לע וליפא אוה ערה ןושל רוסיאד ירה .ערה ןושלב
             In answering this question, you are correct!  But the gemara is also teaching
             an additional concept, that in speaking casual conversation this person is                                     .תמא
             actively violating an Aseh.  Casual conversation in and of itself is an active
             violation of the Aseh of “and you should speak those words (of Torah).”  In                ןירמאנ ולא קרפ ףוסב הטוסב בשחדמ היאר דועו
             addition, his passive inaction (not learning) violates the Aseh of learning.               הניכש ינפ םילבקמ םניאש תותיכ 'ד ]א"ע ב"מ ףד[
             This  concept,  that  casual  \  meaningless  conversation  is  forbidden,  is
             brought  down  by  the  Magen Avraham  (section  #156).    Please  see  that               ןושל יאו ערה ןושל ירפסמ תכ םינרקש תכ םכותבו
             reference where he quotes Rashi that “mundane (casual \ meaningless)                       םיתשב והל בשח יאמא רקשב קר רוסא וניא ערה
             conversation” is a reference to degrading conversation, conversation that
             is also frivolous and of course Lashon Hara and gossip are worse.                            .הבושת ירעשב וז היאר הנוי וניבר בתכש ומכ
             Please see the commentary of the students of Rabbeinu Yonah on Gemara
             Berachot (2  perek (16a) (located in the Rif’s commentary on page 9b,                      אוהה )ב"ע ד"סק( ארתב אבבב אתיאדמ היאר דועו
             citation beginning with the words “...‘and you should speak them’ is an                    ןיא  יבר  רמא  ,יברד  הימקל  אתאד  רשוקמ  רטש
             Aseh”) in the gemara that discusses the mishnah of “the workers” that
             defines mundane speech as speech that is empty and without any value.                      היל רמא תושיבב יבר היב אזח רדה 'וכו הזב ןמז
             But when someone is talking about matters that relate to their livelihood,                 רמא ,היבתכ אטייח אדוהי 'ר היתבתכ אנא ואל
             those discussions are not included in the category of mundane speech.
             Please also see the Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim (section #307, paragraph                   ,הזה ערה ןושלמ ךלכ הירב ןועמש יברל יבר היל
             #16) that even generally speaking about wars \ military battles places this                וילע המשאה ליטהל ךל היה אל ם"בשר שריפו
             person in the category of people who gather together to mock and scoff
             and this type of conversation is forbidden even on weekdays.  (Please see                  תמא לע ףאד ירה .ויתבתכ יניא רמול ךל היה אלא
             that reference).
                                                                                                           .ערה ןושל ארקנו וריבח תונגב רפסל רוסא
             Discussing  stories  of  various  battles  is  definitely  called  “empty  \
             meaningless speech.”  However, based on all of their opinions it is clearly                דבלמ( םינושארה םיקסופה לכב אידהל אתיא ןכו
             evident that this speaker in violating the esur of Lashon Hara and Rechilut                ערה ןושלד )םליכהמ העיריה הרצק םינורחאה ירפס
             most certainly violates this Aseh.  Nevertheless this Aseh is not counted
             among the mitzvot Aseh that are violated when someone speaks empty \                       קרפב ם"במרה ןושל הזד .תמא לע וליפא רוסא
             pointless \ meaningless speech.  Perhaps this rule is learned by inference                 סחייו םדאה לע בזכיש ערה ןושל ןיאש תובאד 'א
             (asmachtah).  But in any event this speaker of mundane conversation at
             that moment most certainly violates the Aseh of learning Torah whenever
             he is involved in those kinds of conversations.
             Understand that these comments apply to all eight qualities.                             On  this  same  page,  (Babba  Batra  164a)  the  gemara  cites  Rav Amram
                                                                                                      who	quotes	Rav	as	saying	that	there	is	no	day	that	goes	by	that	man	does
                                                                                                      not	commit	the	following	three	sins	to	some	extent:	( )	he	has	thoughts
              0	 There	are	two	problems	with	casual	\	empty	\	nonsensical	conversation:		The	         of	sinning,	( )	he	lacks	concentration	on	his	prayers,	or	alternatively,	he
                 first is that it itself is an esur.  The second is that it represents time that should   thinks that just because he prayed for something, G-d must answer his
                 have	been	spent	learning.                                                            prayers,	and	( )	he	makes	remarks	that	have	a	taint	of	Lashon	Hara.

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