Page 299 - V1
P. 299
Introduction to
Sefer Chafetz Chayim
Aseen - A14
forbid, will eventually come to transgress all of these Laveen and
Aseen. Because at some time this person will come to speak Lashon
Hara against an aged person, and sometimes against a Chacham.
Sometimes this person will degrade them when they are present
(and they hear his remarks) and sometimes he will degrade them
when they are not present.
Be’er Mayim Chayim
(A14) Moreover, the speaker also violates the Aseh of (Devarim
28:9) “and you shall walk in His ways”: All eight qualities also
apply. It applies as well to the listener because if the listener stood up for
his principles and had good character traits, he would not have wanted to
listen to the degrading remarks made by the speaker, as I explained above
in the 2 Aseh.
volume 1