Page 57 - HANUKIYA
P. 57

next to me, ordered me to deny it. Only in that     I’ll pay you 5,000$ for it. At that moment, I      of the showbread to the Festival of Light?        My teacher and
way would the rabbi assume the honor.”              looked at the painting again and realized          Here, he cites an of Midrash, which compares      rabbi blessed and
                                                    what a treasure I had in my hand. That was         the miracle of the showbread, which was           righteous memory
   The Ribnitz Hassidim relate that Hoffman         the moment when I also began collecting            remained fresh for eight days – from Shabbat      bringing in a Torah
had already been privileged to give the rebbe       paintings.”                                        to Shabbat – with the miracle of the vial of oil  scroll that I wrote
a magnificent artwork: a silver perfume tower                                                          that stayed it for eight days.                    for [unclear].
inscribed in the name of the Ribnitzer Rebbe.          In order to analyze his paintings, Hoffman                                                        .5769
This tower, like several of his other sacred        used quite a few skills. He fluently speaks        Restoration of diamonds
objects, is now kept in Hoffman’s collection.       seven languages, which establishes relations
                                                    with a wide range of experts and dealers, and is      We now move onto the main topic for
   [photo caption: Unexpected similarity. The       especially helped by his extensive knowledge       which we came: two exceptional Torah scrolls
Admor Sanz Rebbe Yakov Yosef]                       of the Torah, history, and geography.              of two of Hassidic founders, which have
                                                                                                       never been unveiled to the public. Here too,
   It is less known is that Rabbi Yaakov               I learn about the price of the painting         as throughout his life, there is a collection
Hoffman financed the construction of the            during the conversation, depending to a great      of fascinating stories, which told like an
Ribnitzer Rebbe’s grave. To date, he has been       extent on its hidden backstory. For example,       adventure story. “I went all the chances and
one of those who has preserved his heritage         he showed me an old ornamented hannukiah,          all the experts. Thank God, I succeeded.”
in full might. In a corner of the room, I saw a     which he liked very much. “It’s made of pure
model of a typical American building. The           gold,” he says, “but that’s not its attribution.      Everything began more than twelve years
Ribnitz Talmud Torah building, which was, of        It’s the person who lit it. ‘King of Israel’, the  ago. “The Erlau Rebbe was still alive,” says
course, built through the generosity of Rabbi       holy Ruzhiner Rebbe Israel, may his virtue         Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman in his private tale. “At
Yaakov.                                             protect us.                                        the time, I met a famous antiquities dealer,
                                                                                                       Rabbi Aharon Berger. It was not the first
   How did you begin collecting art?                   The engravings on it combine exclamations       meeting, but then he offered me something
   “As a man who believes in private                of wonder. “It’s not for nothing,” he explains.    special: an especially small Torah scroll with
supervision, it is difficult for me to use the      “The engravings made in the style of the           special writing, which he said was attributed
word ‘coincidence’, but that is what happened.      hannukiah of the holy Baal Shem Tov.”              to the holy Apter Rebbe.”
In principle, as far as I can remember, I liked     There is an engraving cherubs and a table
esthetics, but it was not so developed.             with the showbread in the Temple. “What               There is a known rule in the art world:
   “What was clear is that when I bought the        are cherubs doing on a hannukiah?” all the
first painting in my life I wasn’t considering the  researchers asked. Until Hoffman told them,
painting, but the frame. I thought to throw the     ‘This is Hannukah’ they read about in the act
painting out, but then, just before I left, the     of the cherubim. And what is the relationship
seller told me, “If you leave me the painting,

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