Page 58 - HANUKIYA
P. 58

we learn in the Gemara, ‘The pieces of

                                                                            the Ten Commandments are in the Ark.’

                                                                            The Apter Rebbe used the Torah scroll,

                                                                            he sanctified it when it was not perfect.”

                                                                            But following the expensive purchase, he

                                                                            turned to the real project: restoring the

                                                                            scroll. “I called a well-known scribe, one

                                                                            of the most skilled scribes of ordinary

                                                                            American scrolls, and asked him to try and

                                                                            see what could be done.

                                                                            “Rabbi Markowitz came and

                                                                            explained the scroll’s great uniqueness

                                                                            to me. Anyone who scrolls several pages

                                                                            immediately sees that this is not a usual

                                                                            scroll. He is written according to the

                                                                            Kabbalah, it has different notes from any

                                                                            other Torah scroll. But the main challenge

                                                                            is its small size. The person who originally

                                                                            wrote it was an expert scribe who knew

                                                                            how to write very small letters. Now that

                                                                            the time had come to restore it, someone

    The rabbi who taught me                                                 with similar skills was needed. Rabbi

    wisdom, Rabbi Yaakov. In                                                Markowitz said that he knew only one man

    the court of the holy sage  when you are offered something so           who could handle letters of this size (the
    Erlau Rebbe ZTSK"L          expensive, it must have ‘provenance’;       text on each page is just 4.75 inches high).

                                in other words, you must know exactly Two days later, he called me and said, ‘The

                                how the scroll came into the possession scribe cannot do the work. Not a chance.’”

                                of the person trying to sell it to you. If  But Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman is not the

                                the provenance is not clear enough, you kind of man to throw up his hands. “I was

                                must suspect forgery, especially in this sure that the credit of the Apter Rebbe

                                case of an object that made its way from would sustain me and I would restore

                                Medzhybizh, where the Apter Tzaddik it. Then, during the Days of Awe 5771

                                died, to American soil.                     2010(), I traveled to Israel to spend time

                                In this case, there is a very specific in the shadow of my teacher and rabbi,

                                name and detailed story: Rabbi Abba David the Erlau Rebbe ZTSVK"L. I decided to

                                Weisgel, may his memory be blessed, who take the Torah scroll with me.”

                                served for more than fifty years as the     On Simhat Torah, the rebbe ZTSVK"L

                                Chief Chazan of the Jewish community in would take this scroll and dance with it for

                                Baltimore. “Rabbi Weisgel,” says Hoffman, all the circling of the synagogue (hakafot).

                                “was the grandson of the Apter Tzaddik. It was a Jewish custom, because in all the

                                He personally brought the scroll when he years he would circle it only twice. After

                                emigrated from Medzhybizh to the United the circling, I went to the rabbi and told

                                States in the year 1880( 5640).             him how much I wanted to restore the

                                So there is provenance; now it is scroll and asked whether I should continue

                                necessary to restore it. Here there is a trying. He said two words, which gave me

    Facing the lit hannukiah.   big problem. “When the scroll was written,  renewed strength, “[Yiddish]” (Of course,
    The sacred hannukiah,       some of the letters were faded and it was   of course). At that moment, I know that I
    attributed to the Ruzhiner  urgently necessary to fix them in order to  would go on, whatever happens.”
    Rebbe ZY"U                  restore it.
                                                                               The next step was take in the room

                                The rabbi who taught me wisdom. of the famous Jerusalem scribe, Rabbi

                                Rabbi Yaakov at the court of his rabbi, the Menachem Davidovich, may his memory

                                Admor Elrau Rebbe ZTSVK"L                   be blessed. “He sat there with his student,

                                Facing the lit hannukiah. The sacred Rabbi Chaim Briezel. Rabbi Davidovich

                                hannukiah attributed to the holy Ruzhiner saw the scroll and was in awe. He told that

                                Rebbe, may his virtue protect us            it was written in the Rambam style. As for

                                “Nonetheless, I had decided in my heart restoration, only I could do it. He also did

58                              that I would buy this Torah scroll. It has not know anyone who could do it.”

                                sufficient provenance and holiness. But     Hoffman returned to the United States
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