Page 21 - 2020 January E-issue
P. 21

Go to the RES Web Site for Updated Details

On All Meetings -

Continuing Education Opportunities

Monday, January 13 Tursday, January 30
American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, Association for Bridge
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) p 38 Construction and Design (ABCD) p 33
HVAC Duct Design - Fitting Selection Rebuilding the Old Blenheim Bridge Former National
1 PDH Credit Pending Historic and Civil Engineering Landmark
Speaker: Patrick Brooks, SMACNA 1 PDH Credit Pending
Cost: $25 per person Speaker: Edmund Snyder, PE, GPI
Place: City Grill, 384 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
Time: 12:00 Noon, Lunch Bufet. Presentation starts approximately Place: Burgundy Basin Inn, 1361 Marsh Road, Pittsford, NY
12:30 pm 14534
Reservations: Reservations on the website at Time: 12:00 noon.
Cost: Members & Nonmembers - $25; Students - $15
Wednesday, January 15 Reservations: Contact Ashley Freeman by January 23 to
American Society of or call 585-295-6629.
Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) p 36
NFPA 99 Code Updates Medical Gas Friday, March 27
1 PDH Credit Pending Association for Bridge
Speaker: Russ Kopylczak, Evergreen Medical Construction and Design (ABCD)
Place: Valicias Ristorante, 2155 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14606 Spring Seminar PDH Credits Available
(just north of Route 31, Gates)
Time: 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm (please arrive by 11:50 am). Place: Batavia Downs, Batavia, NY
Cost: $20 (member or guest), check or cash at door. For more information contact Jason Messenger, PE,
Reservations: Reservations by January 10 to Dave Jereckos or Rob Fleming, PE,
(585-341-3168), or
To post continuing education opportunities on this page please contact the

Rochester Engineering Society, 585-254-2350, or email:

improving peoples lives Engineers Calendar
and their community ties by
offering clean, safe homes
and an array of support Te engineering societies are encouraged to submit their meeting notices for publication in this section. Te deadline for submitting copy is the
services. The apartments 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Please email to: Te meetings ofering PDHs are highlighted
span two city blocks and in blue. Details about the meeting and afliate (if in this issue) are on the corresponding page listed next to the afliate name.
are one of DePauls largest
single developments. Tuesday, January 7 Support Your Affiliate
Institute of Electrical
The annual Reshaping Attend A Meeting
Rochester Awards recognize and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) p 35
exemplary projects and EXCOM Meeting
initiatives that make a Calendar
positive impact on people, Place: China Bufet, 3333 West Henrietta Road, Henrietta,
neighborhoods and communities in the nine-county NY 14623 continued
Finger Lakes region. SWBR joined DePaul and Christa
Construction on Nov. 14 to accept the award at the Time: 11:50 am to 1:00 pm on page 22...
Reshaping Rochester Awards Luncheon. q Registration links for our events are at:
position openings | news from professional firms continuing education calendar | engineers' calendar JANUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 21
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