Page 24 - 2020 January E-issue
P. 24

Professional Firms Employee News

M/E Engineering News
M/E Engineering has added new members to its growing staff of professionals

Mike Heinzman recently joined projects for the University of
the firm a senior designer in our Rochester, Rochester Institute of
electrical group. Mike brings Technology and Optimax.
more than 20 years of experience
with both design and project Stephen Sutton starts as a
management of educational, design engineer in our electrical
manufacturing, laboratory and group. Stephen graduated
commercial facility projects. from Rensselaer Polytechnic
Mike is responsible for the Institute with a bachelor of
engineering design of electrical science in electrical engineering
facility systems including service and biomedical engineering.
coordination, power distribution, He is responsible for the CAD
Mike Heinzman lighting systems & controls, Stephen Sutton coordination and electrical design
fire alarm systems, technology of various educational, healthcare
and communication systems. and manufacturing facilities.
Currently, Mike is working on Currently, Stephen is working on
projects for Cornell University, projects at Rochester General
Rochester Regional Health and Hospital, SUNY at Brockport and
SUNY at Brockport. Binghamton University.

Benjamin Stewart begins as a Ashley Clay joins the
design engineer in our HVAC administrative group as an
group. Ben recently earned his administrative assistant. Ashley's
bachelor of science in chemical responsibilities include duties
engineering from Clarkson as a front desk receptionist
Benjamin Stewart University and most recently and maintaining administrative
worked with the team at Cornell University's Energy Ashley Clay procedures for the office, as well
Plant. His responsibilities involve technical design and as assisting project managers with project coordination.
engineering for a variety of educational, manufacturing Ashley earned an associate in liberal arts degree from
and cleanroom facilities. He is currently engaged in Monroe Community College. q

OTI News
Optimation Technology Announced New Hire
Optimation Technology announced that Joseph McMahon SWBR has been recognized
has joined the company as a Program Manager, Machine Design. q by the Landmark Society of
Western New York with a
2019 Stewardship Award for
Joseph McMahon its work restoring Our Lady of

SWBR News Victory church in Rochester.
The annual award is given to
SWBR Welcomes New Project Designer individuals and organizations
SWBR announced its newest team member, Project Designer Andrew Altoft. As part of in the nine-county area that
the firm’s Workplace Studio, Altoft is responsible for coordinating design and construction have made outstanding strides
documentation for a variety of corporate, industrial and municipal projects. He received in the preservation of their
a bachelor s degree in architectural technology from Alfred State College and resides in homes, public buildings, historic
Rochester. properties and landscapes.

“Meaningful design is about impacting people in a positive way,” Altoft said. “It can be the Our Lady of Victory was
home someone raises their family in, the school that gives kids the opportunities they need to built in 1868 and is listed on the National Register of
Historic Places. The interior rehabilitation included the
Andrew Altoft succeed or the research laboratory that brings a revolution in science.” q restoration of intricately carved altarpieces, statuary
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