Page 23 - 2020 January E-issue
P. 23

Saturday, February 1 Professional Firms Employee News
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) p 31
ASCE Ski Day Bristol Mountain CHA News
Place: Bristol Mountain, Route 64, Canandaigua CHA Announces Promotion of James Stephenson to
Time: Donuts, Cofee, Tickets at 8:30 am; Ski and/or Board at CEO of CHA Holdings, Inc. on January 1, 2020
9:00 am; Lunch/Social at 11:30 am; Ski and/or Board from 1:00 CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA), a highly
to 6:00 pm diversified, full-service engineering
Cost: Lunch Only - $10, Lunch and Ticket - $40; Students consulting firm, announces the
promotion of James Stephenson
Lunch Only - $5; Students Lunch and Ticket - $20. to CEO of CHA Holdings, Inc. and
Reservations: Contact Tom Hack thomashack1957@gmail. President of CHA Consulting, Inc. on
com; Briana Clark; ASCE ascerochester@ January 1, 2020. Jim will succeed
Michael Carroll, PE, who will transition Additional details vie email and at to Chairman of the Board for CHA Holdings, Inc.
James Stephenson
Monday, February 3 Jim joined the firm in May 2019 as
Executive Vice President and Chief
Electrical Association (EA) p 39 Strategy Officer bringing more than 20 years of broad
Electrical Week Luncheon strategy, financial and corporate development experience.
Keynote speaker: Dr. Kathleen Parrinello, Executive VP & Prior to joining CHA, he was the Chief Strategy Officer at
a top 20 ENR ranked company, where he was responsible
COO, URMC for structuring a five-year strategic growth plan focused on
Place: Midvale Golf & Country Club executing acquisitive growth and strategic investments that
Time: Noon to 1:30 pm helped position the company as a leader in innovation and
each of their operating sectors.
Additional details on the website at or call
585-382-9545. “This is the right time for a leadership transition and Jim is
the perfect leader and strategist to take CHA to the next
Friday, March 27 level,” said Michael Carroll “When Jim came on board
earlier this year to oversee strategy and growth, we knew
Association for Bridge he was the right person to deliver exceptional value to our
Construction and Design (ABCD) clients, effectively scale the business, and guide our staff to
Spring Seminar PDH Credits Available becoming the best firm in the industry.”
Place: Batavia Downs, Batavia, NY “Mike is a true partner and has been instrumental in CHA’s
For more information contact Jason Messenger, PE, transformation over the past five years,” said Jeff Quake or Rob Fleming, PE, and Mike Scardigli of First Reserve. “We look forward to
working with Mike in his role as Chairman where he will continue to support the company in areas of strategy,
organizational excellence and mergers & acquisitions.”
“CHA is a great company with a rich history and
Support Your Affiliate exceptional staff, and I am honored to take over from Mike
and build on his legacy. With support of a great financial
Attend A Meeting partner in First Reserve, the company is in a unique
position to accelerate growth and deliver value within our
end markets. With three successful acquisitions this year
The RES website ( has a and the largest backlog in our history, CHA is poised for
continued growth and success,” said Jim Stephenson “I
calendar of events for this month's meetings look forward to the opportunity to continue to work with the
leadership team to propel the firm to be the most client-
and meetings that are received or updated focused and responsive engineering firm in the industry.”
after print deadline. Please refer to the
Quake and Scardigli said, “Stephenson is a perfect fit for
website for updated information. If you CHA. He brings a wealth of relevant experience, strategic
vision and proven leadership ability that will serve the firm
wish to be listed in the calendar please well for many years to come. The company has made
send details to significant strides in organic growth, acquisition and talent
initiatives and we have full confidence in Jim and the team
to continue building on this momentum.” q
engineers' calendar engineers' calendar JANUARY 2020 The ROCHESTER ENGINEER | 23
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