Page 14 - 2020 February E-issue
P. 14

From Recreation to Just Business.

At last, how does Engineering come into play with the Cannabis industry? As you can see its an entire process or operation which
requires building footprint to cover all the needs of the Cannabis plant.

The cultivation of the Cannabis plant can be broken down into the following types of rooms:

Mother Room  Clone Room  Grow Room  Flowering Room  Drying Room
 Processing  Secure Storage  Offices

The general idea is to mimic
the natural exterior ambient
conditions of equatorial
countries and countries
in Central Asia where the
Cannabis plant thrives. So,
its a tropical destination in
a box. Then fit this box into
a building. Thats allno

Some general Environmental
Requirements to think about:

Temperature, Pressurization, Vapor pressure deficit, CO2, Odor Control, Air movement, RH, Light, Daily Cycles, Seasonal Cycles

Environmental Requirements for the Mother Room

75°F, 50% RH
Lighting on 18 hours per day
Critical area may require redundancy
Production plants are cloned from an existing

mother plan

14 | The ROCHESTER ENGINEER FEBRUARY 2020 cover article
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