Page 2 - SheCame/SheSaw/WeConquered
P. 2


                                                                                                                                                                                                       Just a few years after consolitation, Jack-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       sonville became the largest city in Florida
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and the 13th largest in the United States,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and has a greater land area than any other
                                                                                                                                                                                                       American city outside Alaska.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Population in the 70’s was 528,865__

                 SHE CAME                                                                  LIFE SKILLS                           I, trials and experiences   Vann developed leadership   making. Whether it was in the formative years of

                                                                                                                                                           qualities early in life. It was
                                                                                                                                 that would shape both her
                                                                                                                                                                                        high school at Matthew W. Gilbert High School
                                                                                           When she was
                                                                                                                                                           in the plan of God and her
                                                                                                                                                                                        or her adult years at Edward Waters College and
                                                                                                                                 personality and character
                                                                                           a young girl in
                                                                                                                                 future role as a visionary
                                                                                           Kindergarten,                         and prepare her for her   destiny to be a Leader and   Florida Agricultural Mechanical University (FAMU),
                                                                                                                                                                                        there was something unique and magnetic about
                                                                                           her teacher, Ms.                      and builder of lives.  It was   When she was a young girl   the personality and abilities of Apostle Vann
                                                                                           Robinson, would                       not by accident, but rather   in Kindergarten, her teach-  As a young college graduate, her ability to get
                                                                                           often challenge                       divine order, that Apostle                             large groups under control and disciplined to
          History began to take shape for the young girl who would one day                 her memori-                           The Cofer’s arrival in Jacksonville marked the         learn, were tested during her first teaching assign-
          rise in prominence as one of the country’s prominent leader and                  zation skills by                      beginning of a life that would impact thousands        ment at Northwestern Jr. High.  Although a petite
          pastor.                                                                          assigning her                         of other lives in the small town formerly known        woman who looked like a student herself, the
                                                                                           longer verses                                                                                young Jeannette was instrumental in establish-
         IWho would have imagined  of the country’s prominent   for the promise of greater   of poetry and                       as Cowford.                                            ing a climate of respect and learning that would
         that a five-year-old could   leader and pastor.      security, financial and fam-  readings that                        Ier, Ms. Robinson, would   Jeannette Cofer also        continue to follow her throughout her twenty-
         possess so much promise,                             ily ties, the Cofer’s arrival   were not given                     often challenge her mem-  helped provide the care      one-year career in the classroom and later in the
         imagination, leadership    Apostle Holmes-Vann       in Jacksonville marked the   to other children.                    orization skills by assigning   for her eight brothers and   educational institution of her own, which  she
         beauty and intelligence?     was born on June 15th in   beginning of a life that                                                                                               founded and built in 1989--Esprit de Corps Center
                                    Macon, Georgia, the first   would impact thousands     And although                          her longer verses of poetry   sisters while her mother   for learning.
         But as the young Jeannette  child of Harvey Cofer and   of other lives in the small   she often felt that               and readings that were not   worked outside of the
         stood hand and hand with   Gladys Gibbs. Early in her   town formerly known as    she was being                         given to other children.    home. Through God’s prov-  Since her youth, church was always a part of
         her mother, along with her   childhood, her mother   Cowford.                     singled out, her                      And although she often felt  idence, the future pastor   Apostle Holmes-Vann’s life. Her mother, Gladys,
         other two siblings, at the   relocated the family to Ba-                          memorization                          that she was being singled   would also develop the    insisted on regular church attendance when she
         local Greyhound depot in   yard, Florida, a rural suburb   Never fully aware, at that   and oratory skills              out, her memorization and   skills needed to love, care   was younger. Yet, as she became older, she became
         Jacksonville, history began   of Jacksonville, Florida.   time, that God was getting   were honed and                   oratory skills were honed   and lead others.           dissatisfied with her state and the state of the
         to take shape for the young  Although the young family   her ready for her future   sharpened for                       and sharpened for her     Those who observed her       church as she knew it. Although she was involved
         girl who would one day     found themselves leaving   assignment.  Dr. Vann expe-  her future task.                     future task.              as she grew up could         with church her whole life, she was destined to
         rise in prominence as one   their hometown of Macon   rienced many situations,                                                                                                 one day meet ‘the God of the Church.’
                                                                                                                                 While growing up, young   easily spot a leader in the

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