Page 4 - SheCame/SheSaw/WeConquered
P. 4
4.The Purpose of Church
4 We are no longer “church go-
1. The Issue of Gender and Race ers.” We understand that our
Pastor is indeed a trailblazer who has blazed purpose is to preach the gospel
the trail for countless women, African Amer- 2 of Jesus Christ to the lost; disci-
ple those who believe and accept
ican and others, to emerge from being hidden its’ message; minister to the
to answer the call to preach the gospel of Jesus natural and spiritual needs of
Christ. We now understand that the bible is not the body of Christ; provide an
atmosphere of fellowship, praise
there only for a select few to read and under- and worship that will bring
stand. Jesus Christ has broken down the wall glory to God. Church is a living
of partition… organism, not a social organi-
zation! We come to church with
expectancy in our hearts, know-
ing that God wants to reveal
himself the more to those who
2. The Bondage of Debt are hungry for Him. No more
dry or dead church attendance.
We have learnt the biblical blessing of
tithing and giving liberally. We don’t have
to live in debt or live on a “fixed income.”
The 30 year mortgage on the sanctuary
was paid off in 5 years! Hope Chapel
1 Ministries is debt free and members are
practicing the same in our personal lives. 5
5. The Naysayers
In the beginning, Pastor was
lambasted by those who ques-
tioned the validity of what had
happened in the basement and
garage of her home. In spite of
the criticisms and every negative
word spoken against her, Pastor
set her face like a flint and stayed
3. Education on the wall, building the lives
Through the preached word, many believ- of broken men and women. The
ers have gone back to school and obtained longevity and effectiveness of
degrees, thereby getting better paying this ministry remains evident, 44
jobs, and many have become entrepre- years later!
neurs as well. Additionally, Esprit De
Corps Center for Learning was birthed “And now I say unto you, Re-
in the heart of our Pastor. EDC exists in frain from these men, and let
the interest of training boys and girls for them alone: for if this counsel
the betterment of home, church, work- or this work be of men, it will Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes is one of
place and the society. The school provides come to nought: the giants of American History – A
a holistic approach to education, with a But if it be of God, ye cannot fearless visionary who continues to
spiritual emphasis and biblical view. overthrow it; lest haply ye be lead scores of people to freedom in
EDC meets the needs of each child spirit- 3 found even to fight against God,”
ually, academically, physically and socially. Acts 5: 38 – 39. Christ and battlesignorance on the
religious front.
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