Page 3 - 2015 MEDWEEK Program
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WHEREAS:       National Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week recognizes the
                                   contributions made by minority businesses to our country’s economy;
                                   and  thousands  of  minority-owned  companies  from  a  variety  of
                                   industries take part each year; and

                    WHEREAS:       The  United  States  Department  of  Commerce  Minority  Business
                                   Development Agency and the U.S. Small Business Administration have
                                   led  national  efforts  to  recognize,  celebrate  and  provide  further
                                   opportunity through the formation of strategic partnerships; and

                    WHEREAS:       Since  1983,  Jacksonville  has  observed  MED  Week  with  more  than
                                   2,000  local minority  entrepreneurs,  corporate  representatives  and
                                   government  officials  participating in  a variety  of  networking  events,
                                   activities and seminars; and

                    WHEREAS:       The First Coast Business Alliance (FCBA), Inc. – with a mission to uplift
                                   and promote small and minority businesses within our community, as
                                   well as  foster  awareness  of  business  opportunities  –  sponsors  MED
                                   Week here in the greater Jacksonville area each year; and

                    WHEREAS:       Jacksonville  joins  the  FCBA  in  commemorating  MED  Week  and
                                   recognizes the vital contributions of minority enterprises in our city’s
                                   business  sector,  economic  landscape,  cultural vibrancy  and  our
                                   community as a whole.

                    NOW,  THEREFORE, I,  LENNY CURRY, by virtue of the  authority vested in me as
                                   mayor  of  Jacksonville, Florida, do hereby  proclaim  the  week  of
                                   September 13 – 19, 2015 as

                                      MINORITY ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT WEEK

                                   in Jacksonville and encourage all citizens to join me in recognizing the
                                   hard  work  of  both  local  and  national  agencies  participating  in  this
                                   important observance.

                                                               In  witness  thereof,  this  12th  day  of  August  in
                                                               the year two thousand and fifteen



                                               CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA
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