Page 6 - 2015 MEDWEEK Program
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In December 1982, President Ronald Rea- Annually, MED Week provides a forum
gan issued a proclamation stating that the for discussion of major issues affecting
the growth and development of minority
first full week of October was designated
business enterprises (MBEs). National
as national “Minority Enterprise Develop- MED Week provides an opportunity to
ment Week” (MED Week) to recognize the recognize the outstanding contributions
tremendous contributions that minority made by minority entrepreneurs and the
public / corporate sectors in support of
business owners have made toward the
minority enterprise development.
continued economic development of our
Nation. The U.S. Department of Com- The First Coast Business Alliance is excited
merce Minority Business Development and honored to host MED Week here on
the First Coast.
Agency (MBDA) and the U.S. Small Busi-
ness Administration (SBA) were named as
the lead agencies for MED Week. Today,
this worthwhile effort continues.
Since 1983 MED Week has been
observed throughout the Nation,
including Jacksonville, with thousands of
entrepreneurs participating in workshops,
seminars, trade fairs, luncheons,
procurement conferences and other