Page 9 - 2015 MEDWEEK Program
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Lauren Little is the franchise owner of Edible Arrange- SPIRIT
ments in the Shoppes of Avondale and the Shoppes at
Bartram Park. Edible Arrangements is the leading pur- Lauren is the only African-American-owned, Veter-
veyor of delicious, high-quality, artistically designed fruit an-owned multi-store franchise owner in Jacksonville.
arrangements. A graduate of Duncan U. Fletcher, Lauren She is passionate about helping others. She finds time to
left Jacksonville to join the U. S. Marine Corps in 1982. Af- give back to the Jacksonville community by volunteering
ter serving 8 years active duty, Lauren decided to return to mentor young ladies on entrepreneurship and motiva-
to Jacksonville in pursuit of attaining a college degree tion. She also ensures that her excess fruit is donated to
in business management. After working in various po- the Clara White Mission to help feed the less fortunate.
sitions in Jacksonville to include the University of North Lauren’s accolades include the following:
Florida, RehabCare Group, the I. M. Sulzbacher Center
for the Homeless and Fidelity Information Services, Lau- --2015 Veterans of Influence by the Jacksonville Business
ren stepped out on Faith in 2006 and purchased her first Journal
Edible Arrangement location in the historic Shoppes of --2013 Small Business Administration Veteran Business
Avondale. In November 2009, Lauren was presented Owner of the Year for North Florida and the State of Florida.
with the opportunity to acquire an existing location (The --2011 Chamber of Commerce Women’s Business Center
Shoppes at Bartram Park), making her the only multi- Small Business Leader,
store franchise owner in Jacksonville. Lauren holds a --2010 Women in Business Franchisee of the Year
Bachelors of Science degree (Cum Laude) in Business --2010 Economic Development award winner for the
Administration from Columbia College. Women of Color Foundation in Jacksonville.
Lauren is also listed as one of Jacksonville’s Top 50 Busi-
ness Influencers and has been consistently selected as
one of Jacksonville’s Top Minority Businesses by the Jack-
sonville Business Journal.
Lauren serves as a Board Member for Entrepreneurial
Growth Council for the Jacksonville Chamber of Com-
merce and serves as a Board Member for the Jacksonville
Women’s Business Center.
Lauren is married and is an avid reader. She and her hus-
band and daughter enjoy spending their free time either
sailing or camping.